Chapter 1

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"Bitch did I tell you to speak!" Kyle spat at me, the back of his hand striking me across the face.

"No, I'm sorry it's just that...." Why is it so hard for me to tell him that I want to leave him? Though he should already realize this, my unhappiness is already shown. I shouldn't have to tell him, it shows in my face, my voice, even in my energy around him. I'm drained of everything I barley had left in me.

How could I possibly tell the person who saved my life, that I hated his soul?

I couldn't, Not now, not when I need him the most.

"Did you even hear a word I just said?" The venom in his voice was present. Preparing myself for what usually comes next, Kyle grabbed my hair roughly pulling me towards his face. The stench of whiskey coming from his breath made me sick. "Listen here you worthless slut, If you ever talk back to me again, I will tie you up and put you in the dog house outside again! I won't keep taking your disrespect!" He glared into my eyes piercing my heart and soul.

I've been dealing with his abuse for years, but the insults always hurt me the most.

Degradation and belittling.

"I'm sorry...don't put me in the dog house again." I hated confined spaces, the dog house was filthy, and it being fall made it even worse.

Kyle seemed amused, I was beyond confused. He paced around me, studying my every move like he was waiting for just the right moment to do something. It hurts so much to know that someone that used to love me so much, can treat me like I'm nothing but a worthless toy. Maybe it's my fault, if I would have just given him the attention he needed, Kyle might've stayed the man he was when I met him...

But now, it's too late, nothing I do can fix this. So I've just given up on the thought of him smiling and hugging me tight when I cry. Everything has been ruined to the point of no return. What hurts the most is my heart and mind continue to cause a conflict between each other, my mind wants nothing to do with him, yet my heart wants to hold onto him tighter.

I slowly regained focus as I watched him look at me with a sick expression on his face, it made me shiver in discomfort. "Olivia, you know I only treat you this way because I love you."

Suddenly, he caressed my cheek slowly, cupping my face in his hands making me feel out of place. "Ky-Kyle..." He smirked menacingly at me.

"Yes, slut?"

That word burned into my heart every time he said it to me," I-I," Come on, just say it! Give yourself a voice for once! "I want to leave..." Death seemed to be in his eyes. Yet again, I was snatched up by my hair knowing it was later going to cause soreness for hours afterward.

"Leave here?" His tone was lower than normal but I felt like he was shouting at me. That's how terrifying Kyle was.

"I want to leave you...sir,"

"You what? I don't think I heard you correctly, I own you, you're my whore!" He completely lost control as he pushed me hard into the wall, the back of my head hitting it so hard I knew it had left a mark.

I felt like I was in a daze as pain shot through my head.

"Please Kyle...I-I can't do this anymore, please let me go" Kyle's hand snaked around my neck, applying more and more pressure over time, making it so harder and harder to breath.

"You're not leaving me, Olivia. You know this! I'll kill you if I have to."

My body went cold.

I knew he would kill me, but this time I was going to call him on his bluff. "You wouldn't..."

I regretted my decision shortly after as a knife was suddenly pressed up to my throat, slightly cutting me in the process.

My Dominant My Everything(BDSM) Book 1 of 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now