Chapter 19

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It only took an afternoon to move all my stuff in then get comfortable, I actually loved having my own space for once. I finally felt like I wasn't bothering someone else or invading their space, this was mine and I loved it.

Did I pretty much give the ok for one of my old abusers to use me? Yea, I kinda did agree to that crazy shit, but he was going to do it anyways, so it really didn't matter.

Just out the shower, I checked my phone, apparently Sayyora had been calling me. "Hello?"

"Where are you... It's been a month, I miss you."

"I miss you too, Sayyora. I've just been really busy lately, all this happened so suddenly, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."

"Come back, please come back. I don't care what happened between you and uncle, I shouldn't have to suffer at the cost." Sayyora was crying on the other end of the phone, I felt so bad.

"I'll stop by this weekend, we can spend the whole day together and do whatever you want. Just please stop crying,"

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart."

"Ok, I'll hold you to your word."

Sayyora hung up and immediately I felt bad, she's right. She shouldn't have to suffer because of us, I still cared for her a lot, it's just I've been so busy lately, and everything just went downhill so fast. I'll make it up to her though, she deserves to be happy no matter what.

Checking the time, I forgot I had plans with David later on. The not caring side of me agreed to meet him for dinner after work, have I absolutely lost my entire mind? Yes, this was crazy and dangerous as hell, but for the first time in my life, I was chasing a danger high. I was craving the pain, the fear, the adrenaline rush. I wanted to lose myself in the world that consumed me before, but this time, I wanted a say so in it. That's basically why this dinner date was happening.

Arriving to the restaurant on time, David waited on me at the entrance. "You look wonderful,"

"I don't have time for this small talk, let's go to our table or booth and talk about this."

Saying nothing else, he checked us in then the host lead us to our private booth. "So what is it that you wanted to discuss?"

"I didn't expect for you to show, but since your here, I wanted to talk about what you said in my office."

"Me saying that you can use me? Is that really what you wanted to talk about?"

"Well yes,"

"You couldn't wait a week? Seriously, seven days wasn't good enough for you?"

"I just wanted to clarify what you said to me, I don't need to bring any untasteful scandals to this company."

"I don't have the time or energy for scandals, as I said before, do whatever you want, at least you have my permission this time, not like that matters with your history..."

"Then sign this contract and-"

I signed it without even looking at it, not wanting to waste my time with reading what I already know this contract was about.

"Wow, you seriously don't care? This new side of you is a huge turn on."

"I'm sure it is, but I don't agree with being shared. I'll be damned if Kyle touches me in anyway. I won't allow it ever."

"Fine with me, I never liked sharing my things with others. So this is really happening? I'm not on some weird drug and imagining things?"

"Nope, this is really happening, right here, right now."

My Dominant My Everything(BDSM) Book 1 of 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now