Chapter 22

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"You what!"

"I've been seeing, David,"

"My sweet, terribly, sick in the head friend. What the hell has happened to you?"

"I don't know, but he's right. I don't know myself, he even called all the girls and they even admitted that he didn't abuse them."

"This is a sick plot twist,"

"I know right."

"So... What now?"

"All I know is I start my therapy Monday, and he wants me to stop by later on today."

"This is so confusing. So your replacing Quintin, with David?"

"No, I'm not replacing anybody, with anybody."

"How the fuck did this happen?"


"When did you start fucking him? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how to tell you, it just happened so fast. I'm sorry, Kelsie."

"It's fine, just as long as he didn't hurt you."

"Not once, not even when I made him mad."

She handed me a full glass of wine. "Take a deep breath and relax, it's good that he made your therapy mandated, you definitely wasn't going to go on your own, so now it's no excuses not to go. I'm just shocked, how the hell did this even happen?"

"I just needed someone to cause me pain and I assumed that he'd be able to provide it for me, I had his whole character wrong this entire time "

"That's fine, now that it's cleared up and your starting therapy soon, maybe you can fix things, then finally start to heal."

"But what if it doesn't work? What if it never helps me and I only get worse,"

"It's always other therapy methods, you could journal and then give it to your therapist, just find what works best for you and work through it. I believe in you, Olivia."

Kelsie continued to talk to me about how her journey through therapy has been. She just started going again, I guess her telling me about what she went through in college triggered her, I seen a gauze wrapped around her wrist, unsuccessfully trying to hide it. I wanted to ask her what happened, but I couldn't bring myself to hear the truth. Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't Jasper call me and let me know? When the hell did this happen? Have I been so clouded with my own misery that I've missed my bestfriend cries for help? I didn't want to interrupt her, so I said nothing.

Her body language was the same, but I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was struggling. My beautiful, kind-hearted, bestfriend, was trying her hardest to climb out of the darkness that was trying to consume her again. My admiration towards her had only grown.

"I can spend the night if you want me to?"

"I'll be fine, you should be mentally preparing yourself for your therapy session Monday. You worry about me too much. Jasper is coming over tonight anyways."

"Ok. Please call me if you need anything. I'm just a phone call away."

"I know, you worry too much. Facing your trauma head on should be your number one focus. Just worry about yourself for now."

"If you say so... I'll call you after I have my therapy session Monday."

"Please do,"

I was speechless, I wanted to say something so badly, but the thought of her telling me what happened terrified me so much. She knows she could come to me about anything, we're bestfriends.

Without another word, I left filled with confusion. I should've said something; she's hurting inside and I'm doing the same thing all over again.


I'm a terrible friend. I wasn't able to be there before, but things are different, yet I'm still acting like I'm unable to help her.

"My head hurts." I muttered to myself, making my way to David's house. Apparently, he wanted to see me; well he wanted me to spend the night at his house.

This all felt weird to me still. Fucking the business associate/partner of my ex-boyfriend and former abuser is crazy. I'd never knew things would be like this ever. For this whole year here, I thought I'd end up with Quintin.

Instead, I'm here, with David. Allowing him to touch and fuck me. I'd didn't even give Quintin that luxery...

Upon my arrival, candles were lit, the lights also dimmed. I could smell the faint scent of roses and something sweet. It all took me back a bit.

"Wow, this is amazing. Thank you, though I don't really understand why you suddenly did this.... What's the occasion?"

"I'm just proud of you."

"For what?" My confusion grew deeper, the fuck is happening?

"For getting therapy; I honestly thought you were going to quit and work somewhere else."

I was thinking about it, but I'm not sure the other companies would've hired me, maybe, one or two, but they were far and the raise had made things easier for me.

"Why would I go through all the trouble of that? It was just easier to accept the therapy." I took a sip of wine, trying my best to seem happy, though my chest was getting tight in discomfort as I silently ate my dinner. "So, do you want to have sex after this, or?" I knew what he wanted, he doesn't have to do all this to fuck me, he knows this right?

"If you want to, sure."


"Is there something wrong?" His tone made my ears want to bleed, he sounds like a sad child.

"No, just curious, that's all." Was this idiot really putting time into me? What's his angle? The sex isn't enough?

I don't understand men... I obviously don't care about myself, so why would you force yourself to care about me too? I didn't mind the expensive dinners, he'd usually ask me to wear vibrator panties, touch me from under the table, or request a blow job while he eats. So what the hell is this? What else does he want?

"Your more quiet than usual, what's wrong?"

"This is your second time asking me what's, can you just drop it. My head just hurts a bit, that's all."

Pouring another glass of wine, not even looking at the food on my plate anymore, how much had I eaten? I need to act better before he puts me in the position of being vulnerable again. So I forced myself to eat the rest of my food while engaging in small talk with him, checking my phone from time to time. If I knew using a man for sex was going to be this complicated, I would've just bought a toy instead.

"So since we're done with dinner, can we go down to your room. I'm honestly bored, and I need some fun in my life." I pouted slightly, my eyes gleaming with lust and seduction; knowing he couldn't resist me when I gazed at him like that.

"Your more demanding than usual,"

"Just trying to pass the time, that's all. It's fine if you don't want to. I'll live"

"Passive aggressive much?"

"All I asked was for us to have some fun, I must be asking for too much. I guess I should leave then."

Slowly making my way to the door, seeing what he'll do next, I wasn't surprised to see him not too far behind me, his hand softly holding onto my wrist. He looked pathetic, but I allowed it.

"Please stay, I'm just concerned about you."

"Constantly asking me the same thing isn't showing concern, it's overbearing, it's suffocating, it's annoying as hell. I said I was fine,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Fine, just stop acting like this. It makes me feel weird."

"I'll work on it, just stay with me for the night."


My Dominant My Everything(BDSM) Book 1 of 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now