Chapter 15

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I felt like I'd just been punched in the stomach. But I knew I shouldn't react to that name, so I tried my best to brush off his response.

"You must have me confused with someone else, my name is Nova." My heart was beating so loud I could hear it in my ears. Fuck my life, why is he here? I thought he was located in Seattle? The hell is happening!

"My apologies, your voice and eyes remind me of someone that came up missing not to long ago. I'm David Winchester, my father was over this location until his recent relocation to Seattle, so in his place, I'm here permeantly. Your recent work has been remarkable, that I wanted to give you a promotion to my be my PA. You worked harder than anyone else here in such a short amount of time, so along with the promotion, I want to give you a raise."

What the hell do I do? If I decline I'd be questioned as to why I'm giving up exactly what I wanted and worked hard for, but if I accept and he finds out that he was right, I'd don't know what I could do then.

"That sounds great, I'd love to be your PA. This company is wonderful, ever since the first day I started here I've felt appreciated. I'll be happy to accept my new position and raise, may I ask when will I'll be assigned to my new position?"

His smiled made me sick to my stomach. "Next pay period is when you'll start. You can finish out the week. Enjoy the rest of your day, Nova."

"Enjoy your day as well, Mr. Winchester."

The moment I was away from his office my hands started to tremble uncontrollably. Did he really believe my lie? He seemed content with my reply, didn't even second guess it. Maybe I was just overthinking too much, I don't look that much like I did last year. I can't help my voice, but my eyes? Why didn't I get colored contacts, dammit I almost ruined my cover. Thankfully, luck was on my side.

For the rest of the work day I stayed to myself, well, until Willow came by my cubical. "Soo, how was your first time meeting the CEO? Did you blush like crazy meeting him? He's so damn handsome."

"It was alright, he offered me to be his PA, along with a raise and I accepted it. I didn't want to be rude, besides, I needed this raise anyways. He's not really my type though." Mentally I was still shook by the fact that David was the CEO, but he seemed to have accepted my lie without a second thought. He wouldn't disgrace the name of his father's company though, so it wasn't a need to worry. Not once had their family been involved in a scandal, he took the public's opinion very seriously. David is a violent, controlling, prick; however, he isn't crazy enough to do anything to ruin what his father built from the ground up.

"Earth to Nova, I can't be that boring." Willow had the most cutest pout I've ever seen. She was like a child sometimes, it was adorable though.

"Sorry, I just space out sometimes. What were you saying?"

"What are you doing after work? I've got some free time and your the only person at this office who seems like any fun. Please, Nova, can we hang out after work today. I know a good bar to go to, but if you don't want it go to a bar, we could always go to a nice, small restaurant."

"Well, I do have some free time as well, so sure. We could go to a small restaurant. I'm not much of a drinker, alcohol isn't my thing."

She hugged me suddenly, catching me completely off guard. This woman is full of surprises, though I can handle her like this. "Give me your number so I can keep in contact with you. But we'll have to use our work emails while on the clock, I don't want them to block our phone IPs from working in the office, so what's your number?"

We quickly exchanged phone numbers and work emails. "You two are supposed to be working, why are you at her cubical?"

"I was having problems with my computer, so I was checking to see if Nova's was having the same issue. I think one of my cables might have a short in it, can you check it out for me while I use her's? She already finished her work for the day anyways. Help me out, Zachary."

My Dominant My Everything(BDSM) Book 1 of 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now