Chapter 8

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When I woke up the next morning I smelled the most delicious food ever. I thought I was dreaming until I put on my robe then walked to the kitchen to see Quintin cooking breakfast.

"I didn't know you could cook"

"Well now you know" he smirked before he flipped a pancake on to a plate. "Cooking is my way of relaxing. I mean I barely get stressed or have anger issues, but it's still a good way for me to relax my mind."

"Can you teach me how to cook? All I can really make is pancakes, rice, grits, and instant mashed potatoes." I bit my lip softly, as I admitted the horrible truth of my cooking abilities.

"Well, that's better than some. I knew this one person who couldn't even cook microwaveable dinners. Everyone has to start somewhere, also, your lip biting is slightly distracting."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong."

"I'm... Let me just shut up, I'm making this situation worse as I speak."

"Nova, honestly you didn't do anything wrong. Please stop apologizing, you haven't done anything worth an apology" he turned off the stove and caressed my face "please, don't say sorry anymore."

My face heated up a bit, I hadn't had a make touch me so gently in so long, my mind couldn't choose the right response. "O-okay" was all I could barely say, him being so close made me a bit breathless. "Can you please step back, it's a bit... Uncomfortable to have you this close to me."

"Okay" was all he said before he stepped back, he took one more look at me before going back to cooking. I stayed quiet until he asked me to wake the girls up for breakfast. Once I mentioned food they all got up and rushed towards the kitchen, I envied their innocence and happiness. I wished my childhood was like this, but, everyone doesn't get that luxury.

I sat back to watch them for a little bit, before I made my way to the table to sat with Quintin and the girls. It felt nice to talk with people and laugh, with Kelsi all we ever do is either talk about her flings, watch movies, go out or eat and talk about other stuff. We laugh sometimes, but we rarely have good conversations. I can admit, it's mostly because I'm still trying to be normal again but it's weird how I can be so comfortable around someone I met not that long ago but not be that comfortable with someone I've known for years. Maybe it is something wrong with me, it wouldn't be a surprise if it was though.

I honestly do think I need therapy, should've gone when I got here. I should probably set an appointment for tomorrow, even though I haven't had my usual nightmares, yet, they can still happen at anytime​. I e-mailed the therapist to schedule an appointment for tomorrow for 5 o'clock. She e-mailed me back and said that the appointment is set, mentally I sighed, I don't think that I will enjoy having to unrepress my memories, but it's inevitable. Maybe I could finally get some reassurance for myself, even though it might take months, even years to be 'normal' but, when that time comes I'll be happy.

After we finished, I helped him clean the dishes, while the girls played some games. "They all loved your cooking"

"I know, I was surprised. Usually their picky, but I guess they made an exception."

"Or, your just an amazing cook. They ate every last piece of food you made."

"Their just hungry children. Of course their going to eat every last thing I cooked for them."

"Your just down playing the fact that you're​ a great cook." I handed him the last dish. "Since we're finished with the dishes, what should we do. The girls obviously want us to spend some time together." I remembered how many excuses they used to get me to watch a movie with him.

"Sayyora thinks that I need a girlfriend to spend time with. She says I'm too old to be alone, and my looks won't last forever." He laughed while shaking his head. "I felt offended by her statement. I'm more than just looks. I'm charming, funny, kind hearted-"

"And an amazing cook. The way to a women's heart is through her stomach."

"Um, I think you got the phrase confused. It's a way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

"Either or, food makes a lot of people feel better. Food is definitely comforting, especially chocolate."

"Chocolate? Now your talking about an aphrodisiac."

"Nothing wrong with a little chocolate. Or even a lot of chocolate."

"Are you hinting that you want some chocolate tonight?"

"Hmm maybe some cheesecake. Truffle cheesecake."

"Someone has a sweet tooth."

"Only when I'm around you." When I realized I said that, my face went completely red in embarrassment. What the hell was I thinking! I shouldn't be flirting with him. Honestly, I thought I said it in my head but I had been completely wrong!

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I feel so embarrassed right now."

"Don't apologize. It's nothing wrong with some friendly word play. I feel flattered that I give you a sweet tooth." The smile Quintin gave me made a wave of emotions flow through my mind. It was obvious that I still hadn't realized that every male wouldn't treat me like Kyle did. The slightest smile could send me into anxiety or panic.

"I-I should go, I have some shopping to do for the job I decided to accept. It's better to be prepared since I start work tomorrow." I smiled nervously before going to his guest room and collecting my things. I quickly told the girls goodbye, before I ordered a cab.

"You don't have to go Nova."

"Actually, I do. If I stay any longer the day would just pass me by. Besides, I'll come back later in this week to spend time with Sayyora." Before he could say another word the cab driver honked his horn, allowing me to escape easily. Seriously, I need to get me a car. The driver tried hard to talk to me, but I ignored him as long as I could before he dropped me off at Kelsi place.

As usual, she wasn't home. Honestly, I wonder why she spent some much money and time into making this place look beautiful if she was barely going to be here. Luckily, she left me a note and explained that she was actually working for once for a art show. Kelsi is a bit of an airhead, but she that makes her even more of a creative artist. Her work is definitely out of the box.

My mental babbling was interrupted by my phone ringing. I hesitated for a bit, but relaxed once I seen it was one of the jobs calling me back.

"Hello? Oh really? Of course I'm excited, thank you so much for calling me, I can start next week. Ok, thank you again. goodbye." I was oozing excitement from the news, I wanted to call Quintin and thank him for providing me with all the things I needed to get the job, but, at the same time I didn't want to bother him.

Hours later, Kelsi arrived and I told her about getting the job. We celebrated with wine and fatty foods.

"While we're still celebrating, I want to make a toast to myself. The art show is sold out completely! I never thought I would get this far in my career, but without your help and constant encouragement, I accomplished this. Thank you so much for everything Oli- I mean Nova. Your the greatest friend ever." She downed the wine before hugging me. I hesitated for a bit, before hugging her back.

My Dominant My Everything(BDSM) Book 1 of 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now