Chapter 3

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The nightmare I had last night was different than the others I've had for the past few years. I wonder how they're doing? Jayden and Jamila, I'm not as concerned for Jasper though. He was nothing but a bad omen for me.

Getting out of bed then getting right to the necessities, while in the shower parts of my skin stung when the water touched it. I'm actually happy and that scares me the most because once your happy it can be taken away. I put on a change of clothes, something casual but, also allowed my skin to breathe. It was quiet, another thing I wasn't used to. I was happy to experience it once again. The smell of bacon, waffles, and coffee, made my stomach cry out to be filled with warm yummy food.

My mouth watered so much that I had to wipe the little bit of salvia that had dripped, I sat down ready to eat for once in my life. "Eat as much as you want, I know you have to be starved." Stacking as much food as I could before it was no room left. It was a variety of different food and fruits and even toppings; without even thinking I began to shove the food in my mouth, without trying to not look like a slob. I missed having a home-cooked meal, it's been years since someone has cooked for me. "Thank you, Ian, you've done so much for me and I'm so grateful for you." tears streamed down my eyes as my bottled up emotions began to spill out. I felt weak but strong at the same time, I needed this for the longest, I needed a safe haven for me to let out all my emotions all at once. It felt so good to finally cry without being punished, all my built-up pain was finally over and once again I was at peace with myself.

Ian held me against his chest consoling me, so much weight lifted off my shoulders as I continued to cry. It felt like an hour had passed and I finally had no more tears to cry, my heart and soul had finally let out the all the sorrow that was weighing it down. I felt like a new person, that's how I wanted to feel since I was able to comprehend what my situation was. "Ian.." My voice sounded horrible but I had just cried for basically an hour so I couldn't blame myself for that.

"Yes, Olivia?"

"Does your girlfriend know how to do makeup, dye and cut hair?"

He thought for a moment. "Yea, why?"

"Do you think she could do mines, I have to get away from here but I don't want him to notice me. If he'd ever gotten a hold of me I wouldn't be able to make it through the night, please call her and also take my credit card and take out all the money in the checking and savings account, please hurry before he freezes it" he nodded before calling his girlfriend and racing to his car. "I have to get away." Speaking softly to myself as I paced back and forward my heart beating like crazy against my chest like I've been running for miles none stop, it hurt to breathe because every moment I stood there it was a possibility of him getting closer and closer. Then I stopped breathing altogether, Emily... It happened 4 years ago but it feels like it happened just yesterday, she was another girl he found she thought he was going to 'help' her, she had just run away from her abusive boyfriend's house and he just so happened to find her while she was running.

She had the sweetest voice and the most loving eyes I've ever seen. But, she didn't last long, it took only a month and he was sick of her, maybe he knew she would never be fully listened to him and fought him back often. Emily was my inspiration and that's why she had to go; it was one night in the Winter and Kyle had just lost one of his jobs, he was pissed and her constant caring nature towards me had set him off. I never knew why he was really mad at her, maybe he was mad because she was making me stronger or because he just had a blood lust he needed to feed but it was the most traumatic thing I've witnessed in my life.

She went slowly and painfully and that hurt me the most, he shoved a butcher knife in her stomach then made me watch her bleed before he slowly slit her throat with a razor blade. Her blood sprayed all over me and he just laughed, I didn't believe it at first, I shook her blood-stained body and cried out her name at the top of my lungs I cried hysterically while he just watched me and smirked. Emily was later buried in a ditch just a few minutes out of town, I never got my final goodbye.

The door opening brought me back to Earth "Olivia" it was Ian's girlfriend Ayaa "I haven't seen you in so long I was worried" I was shocked when she pulled me into a big hug "Please tell me what happened, Ian called me and I could barely understand half of what he was saying" I felt like I was going to cry but I had no more tears left to cry, I sat her down and told her everything from the beginning, her face was pale by the end of the story "I never knew you went through that much, how come Ian didn't inform me of this year's ago? I would've done something. Gosh, I feel sick, how could he do all that stuff to you without remorse, I'm so pissed and disgusted I don't know what to do" soon as she pushed my horrible past aside in her mind she pulled out everything she needed to make me anew. After 3 hours of makeup, dying and styling I was finally stripped of my old skin "So you're going to need a new name for your new life have you decided on it yet?" She was right, I did need a new name or it would be too easy for him to find me.


Ayaa smiled "Nah, Zoey sounds boring, maybe Kimberly?"

"Too preppy, Ginger?"

"Boring, Penelope?"

"Perfect, now what about my last name?"

"Duh, Cruz"

I laughed "I'm not going to name myself Penelope Cruz"

Ayaa pouted "Why not, fine Nova Faye?"

"I love it!"

"Great, now we'll take a selfie to send it to one of my friends and you'll have an authentic ID and passport" once that was done me and Ayaa made dinner, just as we finished Ian came in with two big duffle bags "What's in the bags?" Ayaa asked, her voice filled with worry "Money" he dropped the duffle bags and opened them "You had half a million in your bank account, Olivia, I'm happy they understand the circumstances of your situation."

"Her name isn't Olivia anymore, she put her old life behind her so she has a new identity"

"So what's her name now?"

"Nova Faye"

I smiled at the sound of my new name "Well, let's eat, I have to leave in 3 days"

"Aww why?" She sounded upset but it would be wrong for me to put their lives in danger"

"I'm going to New York to live with my best friend Kelsi, I want to keep you both safe so if he ask where I went, please tell him that I left town" They nodded and hugged me tightly, my ID and passport came a day later, the other two days came quicker than I hoped for.

Say good-bye to Olivia Taylor, and hello to Nova Faye.

My Dominant My Everything(BDSM) Book 1 of 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now