Chapter 14

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For the first time ever, I felt safe around someone of the opposite sex. His strong arms felt held me lightly, I knew it had to be the middle of the night and I didn't want to wake him, so I stayed there in his loving embrace.

Not once had he let me go, which honestly shocked me a lot. His grip wasn't tight, it's like I was meant to fit perfectly in his arms. Quintin felt like home, somewhere where I knew I could be safe, protected, and comfortable. It didn't take long before I fell back to sleep, but our alarms went off shortly after.

Time for work.

"Good morning beautiful, it's time to wake up." He sat up slowly before kissing my forehead, deeply I blushed.

"Good morning handsome, do you want me to make breakfast after I get out the shower?"

"No, after what you told me last night, I want to cater to you. I want you use to this kind of love and kindness, Nova."

The more I hear that name, the more I want to tell him the truth. But it's too risky still, I'm still safer under my alias. He'll understand once this is all over, I pray he does. Suddenly I forgot that I didn't answer him, I hope I wasn't in my thoughts for too long. "Ok, that'll be nice, but that means you should go in the bathroom first,"

"True, so how about this, I go in the shower and while I'm in there you can go back to sleep. Then once I'm done, I'll wake you up. Deal?"

Part of me did feel a bit sleepy, how did he know that? "Ok, deal."

He went into the bathroom to allow his shower water to heat up, while waiting, I laid next to him fully relaxed. It didn't take long before I was fast to sleep once again. Last night must've really drained me. No amount of sleep is never enough though. When your soul is tired, no amount of sleep will ever be enough. It could definitely be my possible depression as well, but I'll be getting a mental evaluation soon.

This time I had a dream, I stood on a beach with the softest sand, the sound of water was calming, and I was being held. It was tranquil, like my very own safe space in my head. I wanted to stay there longer, but the sound of my name being called awoken me.


"I left the water running for you, breakfast should be ready right before you get out."

"Thank you, I must've been more tired than I originally assumed, I hope you don't view me any differently..."

"Why would I? I'm not the kind of man to judge anyone unless I have a good reason to. What you went through is something that'll I'll never forget, but the strength you possessed to hold yourself together that long is powerful and amazing. You survived, you've overcame everything life sent to destroy you. You're strong, intelligent, and so many positive things. Your past doesn't define you, it doesn't change who you are today. It'll never change how I view you at all."

His words made me slightly breathless, or was it the fact that I was suddenly sobbing uncontrollably? Either way my emotions took over, it didn't take long for Quintin to embrace me into his arms once again, softly caressing my hair while allowing me to cry without telling me everything will be ok. I always disliked when people told me that, sometimes it gets worse, saying things like that never helped just made me frustrated. For once my feelings are validated, it's like a breath of fresh air!

"I should get in the shower."

"I'll make sure your food stays warm." He quickly kissed my forehead before I got into the shower. All this gave me so much good energy! I never imagined my life to be like this. Honestly, I thought I'd be dead by now or worse. But now, I've never felt more alive. And it's all thanks to Quintin.

The shower I had felt like it was washing away all my old problems and genuinely made me feel anew. Part of me was nagging to tell Quintin my real name, but it still didn't feel right yet. After doing my hair and getting dressed, I joined Quintin in the kitchen. The food smelled absolutely amazing, I couldn't wait to eat. Everything was flavorful as I expected from him, he must've been taught professionally. We engaged in some small talk before it was time for us to leave.

Though the office usually felt draining, I ignored it with a smile on my face. Letting all that go made me feel free. Is this what love feels like? Fuck it's like an adrenaline rush mixed with the effects of intoxication.

"Your smile is the only genuine one in here, somebody must've had a good night?" My coworker, Willow asked. Her sudden presence caught me off guard completely.

"You scared me, how long have you been standing right there?"

"About a minute or two, so what's got you so happy? Definitely couldn't be the horrible office coffee, come on, it doesn't have to be detailed."

"I just had a good morning, that's pretty much it. Do I really look that happy?"

"Sweetie, you're glowing in happiness. Whatever happened you need to keep it up. At least someone here looks like they have some life in them, want to join me for lunch later?"

"Sure, that'll be nice." I could feel my face getting warm, I guess I've made a friend at work. This just made my day better! My life has truly enhanced the moment I met Quintin, he surely is a blessing.

In this year, this amazingly, life changing year; I met so many wonderful people, especially Sayyora. But Quintin? Being around him makes me feel like I matter. Besides my brother and father, he is the first guy to truly love and accept me for who I am.

Part of me still don't feel like I deserve him, this lifestyle, or happiness; but that part of me will hopefully be gone as my comfortability gets better.

During lunch with Willow, our other co-worker informed me that the CEO would like to speak with me, I was worried until he and Willow, told me that this happens to every employee that makes it to a year at the company. I was worried for a minute that I did something wrong or was getting fired.

Once I relaxed, I made my way to the CEO office. Lightly I knocked on the door, a woman with a sweet smile answered the door making me smile more. "Nice to meet you, I'm-"

"Sorry to cut you off, but I'm not the CEO. I was told to let you in. Just wait a bit, and relax. Also, Happy first year anniversary at our company!" She left shortly after, deciding to sit down to check my email and massages while I waited. Stupidly, I zoned out until I heard someone sit down in the chair in front of me sighing in frustration.

"I apologize, I had an important call to answer."

"It's absolutely fine. My name is Nova."

He turned around in the chair, our eyes locked immediately.

"I'm David, but you know that already Olivia. Look at life rewarding me for my patience."

My Dominant My Everything(BDSM) Book 1 of 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now