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Hey guys!
This is my first story like this, hope you like it!

You're sitting in your room doing homework when your phone rings. The ID says (C/N). That's odd, you think. He's never called before. Your stomach flutters as you pick up the phone.


"(Y/N)! What're you doing?" His voice makes the butterflies in your stomach titter and dance.

"Just homework. How about you?"
You hope he's asking you to hang out, though so far, that's only happened in your dreams.

"Homework?! But it's snowing, and besides, it's Friday! Shouldn't you be at some girly sleepover painting your nails and playing truth or dare?"

"No. And since when does Friday require a party?"

(C/N) is really starting to bug you. The worst part is, there is one of those sleepovers going on right now and somehow, you weren't invited. It's being hosted by (P/G/N)  popular girl's name. Almost all the girls in your grade were invited, even the nerdy and ugly ones that (P/G/N) usually shut out.

Basically, you're feeling pretty down and so far, (C/N) isn't helping. Suddenly, you realize you've spaced out and (C/N) is calling your name.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)? Are you there?" His usually cheerful voice sounds alarmed and protective.

"Yeah, sorry. I kinda spaced out. It's just..." To your disgust, you begin sobbing right then and there.

"Hold on (Y/N)! I'm on my way!" His side of the conversation is cut short by a click, then silence. You look dazedly at your phone for a second even through your tears. You huddle into yourself in the cold chair and cry your heart out.

Snowed In Love (girl reader x guy crush)Where stories live. Discover now