Chapter Six: House Call

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Later that night, McKenzie's phone lit up with a text from Clint: anything interesting happen since the hospital thing?

McKenzie smiled, looking over at the Doctor, who had fallen asleep hours ago. You could say that, she replied. My wing is completely healed!!!

Another text came through within seconds. That's great! You can fly and everything now?


Clint replied after a few minutes. Why don't you drop by tomorrow, then you can show me. We can get pizza, and I can finally meet Martha.

McKenzie grinned. Sure. Send us time date and place and we'll see you then :p Once the message with the details came back, she said goodnight to Clint and went to sleep, ready for a day of fun with her best friend.



McKenzie rolled over, ignoring the Doctor gently shaking her shoulder.

"Kez." He sighed. "McKenzie. Come on, I know you're awake." She cracked open one eye and peered at him. "Morning, gorgeous," he greeted, kissing her forehead.

"What do you want?" McKenzie groaned, rolling over to look at him properly.

"Clint's texted you." He handed her her phone.

"Ooh!" she exclaimed, wide awake now. "What time is it?"

"We're in a time machine," the Doctor reminded her, raising an eyebrow. "Why, what's he want?"

McKenzie grinned, getting out of bed and grabbing a towel. "Last night I was telling him about my wing being healed, and he invited us round to the flat." She chucked her phone at him, the text open. "Time, date, location there."

The Doctor read it as she went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. "He's in London?"


"Clint's in London?" he asked, louder this time.

"Oh, yeah. Apparently Nick gave him someone to keep an eye on, see if they do anything suspicious, y'know?" McKenzie replied. "I think he's a bit bored. He's usually doing more adventurous stuff, but I think Nick's making him take it easy for a while after the whole mind control thing."

"Right." The Doctor paused for a while as he got dressed. "You having a shower?"


"Okay. I'll go put the time and that in, see if I can find Martha," the Doctor stated.

"All right. Give it twenty minutes, and I'll be done," she called back, before turning on the shower and grabbing the shampoo.


True to her word, McKenzie appeared in the console room twenty minutes later, her hair combed straight and damp. "Morning," she called as she entered, kissing the Doctor's cheek as she reached the console.

"Morning," Martha replied, gripping onto the console as the Doctor started the dematerialisation sequence. "I hear we're meeting the infamous Hawkeye."

McKenzie shrugged. "Well, you are. The Doctor and I already know him. In fact," she said as they landed. "He saved my life."

The Doctor snorted as they exited the TARDIS into a nicely furnished flat. "I think you returned the favour well enough."

She rolled her eyes. "He did set my wing back too," she reminded him, before looking around. "Clint?"

There was no reply. The Doctor raised his eyebrows, looking at McKenzie's phone before handing it back to her. "We got the right time. And place."

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