Chapter Fifteen: The Family Of Blood

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Jenny smiled. "Make your decision, Mr Smith."

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge," Baines suggested.

Kezia cried out as her pendant grew red hot against her chest, and suddenly, finally, she understood. The pendant released McKenzie back into her body, and she quickly kicked Mr Clark in the groin, before spinning and chopping at his neck, punching him in the stomach, and landing an uppercut to his chin. Martha used the distraction to get the gun off Jenny, and use her as a shield as she aimed the gun at Baines, who had switched his aim to McKenzie. "One more move, and I shoot," Martha threatened.

"Oh, the maid is full of fire," Baines jibed.

"And you can shut up!" She fired at the ceiling.

Mr Clark looked a little nervous as he recovered from McKenzie's assault. "Careful, Son of Mine," he wheezed. "This is all for you so that you can live forever."

"Shoot you down," Baines narrowed his eyes.

"Try it. We'll die together," Martha raised an eyebrow.

Baines hesitated. "Would you really pull the trigger? Looks too scared."

"Ooh, I don't know," McKenzie grinned, going back to her normal London accent. John stared at her. "Scared and holding a gun? It's a good combination. Question is, do you wanna risk it?"

The Family all lowered their guns, and the girls smiled in satisfaction. "Doctor, get everyone out," Martha ordered. "There's a door at the side. It's over there. Go on. Do it, Mr Smith. I mean you."

Joan walked over to him from the refreshment bar and took charge. "Do what she said. Everybody out, now. Don't argue, Mr Jackson. They're mad. That's all we need to know. Susan, Miss Cooper, outside, all of you."

"And you," McKenzie said, looking at John oddly. "Go on. Just shift."

"What about you?" he asked, looking at her with such a familiar face that she wanted to cry. It wasn't him, she reminded herself. Not really.

"Martha, give me the gun and get him out," McKenzie commanded, turning away from John and pulling her hair loose. Martha obliged, squeezing her shoulder before escorting John out. "Don't try anything. You can see it, can't you? You know I'll kill him."

Baines smirked. "She's almost brave, this one."

"I should have taken her form. Much more fun. So much spirit," Jenny snickered, trying to unnerve her.

McKenzie didn't show anything in her face, she just adopted the schooled expression she'd seen Natasha, Clint, and Steve use in New York. "What happened to Jenny? Is she gone?"

"She is consumed. Her body's mine."

"She's dead," the redhead stated, swallowing.

"Yes," Jenny's possessor smiled. "And she went with precious little dignity. All that screaming."

The girl with the gun scoffed. shaking her head. "She was dying. It wasn't an overreaction." She sped out of the room, dismantling the gun as she went, rendering it unusable. She found Martha, John, and Joan waiting a few metres away. "Don't just stand there, move!" She took a look at John and shook her head again. "God, you're rubbish as a human. Come on!"

When they reached the school, John closed the main doors behind them, grabbed a bell and started ringing it. "What the hell are you doing?" Martha demanded.

"Maybe one man can't fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together!" John replied. "Take arms! Take arms!"

"Don't you dare!" McKenzie shouted, realising what he was doing.

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