Chapter Twenty Two: JENSEN

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The next morning, there was a knock at the door to the bedroom the Doctor and McKenzie were sharing. The Doctor got up, yawning, and opened the door to see Bruce, looking as though he hadn't slept. "Hi," the scientist greeted.

"Hi," the Doctor returned, opening the door fully so he could come in. McKenzie was sat on the bed, both her and the Doctor still in their clothes from the day before.

"Bruce?" the redhead asked, having heard the man's voice at the door.

"Hey, kid." He sat on the edge of the bed next to her, while the Doctor sat on his own side. "So, the results came back last night. There's no easy way to say this, but six months ago, you had a stroke. A blood clot reached your brain and caused damage to the neurons connecting your eyes to your occipital lobe and cerebrum, which is why you can't see."

"I had a stroke?" McKenzie repeated, just to be sure. Bruce nodded, forgetting she couldn't see him, but she already knew the answer. She took a shaky breath. "Shit. I'm only twenty one. This... this is crazy."

"I know," Bruce said sympathetically. "There is a chance that you could see again, involving some technology Tony and I have been working on since the battle."

"We're listening," the Doctor told him, sounding interested. His hand was clasped tightly in McKenzie's, and his thumb was rubbing circles into her skin to try and comfort her.

"It is basically a type of visor that would fit onto your face like a pair of glasses. Tony would implant an artificial consciousness, similar to JARVIS, into the visor. The AI would transmit signals directly to your occipital lobe, working just as your eyes used to, so you would be able to see again, even though your visionary neurons are damaged beyond repair," Bruce explained. He patted her knee. "I'll give you some time. Think about it, okay?"

"Thank you, Bruce," McKenzie smiled as he left, closing the door behind him.

"What do you think?" the Doctor asked, gazing at her.

She sighed, drawing her knees up to her chest. "I think it sounds really great. I could see again." She sighed again. "But it occurs to me that we will never see each other's eyes at the same time ever again. If I can see yours, you won't be able to see mine. And if you can see mine, I won't be able to see you at all." She closed her eyes, leaning her head against his shoulder. "But I haven't seen you in so damn long."

"You're gonna go for it," he guessed. McKenzie smiled.

"I think I probably have to. Besides, it wouldn't be so bad. If this AI is anything like JARVIS, it would be able to do all sorts of stuff." She poked her tongue out in her boyfriend's general direction. "I'd be able to take pictures of you being cute, and you wouldn't even know." The Doctor pouted as she moved away, going to get off the bed. "I'm gonna get some fresh air. You coming?"

He smirked. "You'd never get there if I didn't," he pointed out.

"Hey!" Now McKenzie was the one pouting as they made their way out into the corridor. The Doctor caught her before she could walk into the opposite wall, and took her hand, walking her to the balcony. Once they got out there, they walked to the railing, and looked out over Manhattan. Well, actually, neither of them did. McKenzie couldn't see it, of course, so she was imagining being able to again, and the Doctor was too busy watching her to appreciate the view. "It's beautiful," McKenzie sighed, knowing it wouldn't be too long before she'd see it, even though it had been an age since she'd seen it last.

"I quite agree," the Doctor grinned. "Will you be all right up here on your own for a while? I want to go find Tony and Bruce, tell them your decision."

"Yeah, I'll be fine," McKenzie told him, rolling her eyes at his protective nature. It felt weird to do so without seeing it. "Go."

The Doctor smiled, kissed her forehead, and then disappeared off to find the two scientists. After about ten minutes, the balcony door opened again, and a voice called out, "I hear your day didn't start off too well." McKenzie jumped, and the voice's owner chuckled. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Footsteps came closer, finishing next to her.

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