Chapter Eleven: This Is Us

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"So, you guys travel through all of time and space in a blue box, just for fun?" Bruce checked. He and McKenzie were walking down the street back to Martha's flat while the others were dealing with the aftermath of Lazarus.

McKenzie shrugged. "Sounds about right."

Bruce raised his eyebrows. "From what I've seen, it's pretty dangerous. I mean, I can see why you stay now, but before? Why would you put yourself through that?"

"Because... Because I see incredible things. Because I meet amazing people. Because I travel to the farthest reaches of the known universe, and probably further. And in the end, when things get dangerous, I know what I'm doing is saving lives," McKenzie replied, her eyes lighting up. "Even before we were together, I knew things were gonna turn out okay. And believe me, there were shaky areas. There were times when I thought I was going to die, alone. But it always came back to being okay. Because of the Doctor." She sighed. "That's how it used to be, anyway."

Bruce bit his lip. "What happened?"

She hesitated. "It's kind of a long story... I had this friend, Jack. He was like a brother to me. And then one day, he died. Killed by Daleks. I turned up, destroyed them, and brought him back to life. Except, I had no idea. I was sort of being possessed by a spaceship, it's hard to explain. So when we left without Jack, I didn't even question it. I thought he was dead. But the Doctor knew. And he left him there, alone."

"Jesus..." Bruce's eyes were wide.

"Yeah," McKenzie agreed. "That about sums it up. I don't know what to do. I was going to leave, I really was... and then I realised, how can I? Where would I go? He's all I've got. And I love him, I do, it's just..."

"You can't just let it go," Bruce nodded. "Because it's too big. Too important." He sighed. "You'll be okay. He knows it was wrong.  Just think how guilty he must be feeling."

McKenzie swallowed. "Yeah. You could come with us, if you want?"

Bruce looked sorely tempted, but he shook his head. "No, thanks. It sounds phenomenal, but it's not for me. All this running around, fighting monsters? You do this everyday. I don't think the Other Guy would deal, even for a short while."

"Are you sure?" the redhead asked as they reached Martha's building.

"I'm sure. It's time I go. I have a flight to catch in the morning." Bruce smiled. "You go out there, Kenzie, and you be brilliant. For me."

She smiled back. "Bye, Bruce." They hugged, and then she let herself in to the building, watching Bruce make his way off.


The Doctor unlocked the TARDIS in Martha's flat. "Something else that just kind of escalated, then."

"I can see a pattern developing," Martha smiled. "You two should take more care in the future. And the past. And whatever other time period you find yourself in."

"It's good fun, though, isn't it?" McKenzie checked, frowning.

"Yeah," Martha agreed.

"So, what do you say, one more trip?" the Doctor offered.

"No. Sorry."

The Time Lord blinked, taken aback. "What do you mean? I thought you liked it."

Martha sighed. "I do, but I can't go on like this. One more trip. It's not fair."

McKenzie looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"I don't want to be just a passenger anymore. Someone you take along for a treat." Martha took a deep breath. "If that's how you still see me, I'd rather stay here."

"Okay, then. If that's what you want," the Doctor nodded.

"Right. But we've already said goodbye once today. It's probably best if you just go." Martha turned her back.

The Doctor and McKenzie shared a look. "I don't think she got that," McKenzie whispered telepathically.

"Could I make it any clearer?" the Doctor frowned.

She rolled her eyes. "Maybe try saying what you mean for once?"

Martha looked round at them, noticing they were still there. "What is it?"

The Doctor blinked. "What? I said okay."

"Sorry?" Martha asked, frowning.

"Okay," the Doctor repeated, nodding towards the TARDIS.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Martha cried, hugging the pair.

"Well," McKenzie shrugged. "You were never really just a passenger, were you?" The trio went into the TARDIS, and after a few seconds, it dematerialised, as if it had never been there.

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