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The next week, Jungkook got physically bullied by Taehyung and his friends, which made him late to go to his work.

"Aish, jinja?" He whispered to himself.


"You are late again, Jungkook!" Bakyun yelled.

"I-i'm sorry, sir. This won't happen again." The young student bowed.

"You've been saying the same for the past days! What is wrong with you?" Bakyun pushed his finger onto the student's forehead.

"I-i got schoolworks." The student looked down, not daring to look into the eye of his boss.

"Next time, i don't care. I'm taking 30% of your salary this month." The rude boss clicked his tongue.

"Wait! No-i…-"

"Get back to work, Jeon!" Bakyun yelled.

"Araso." The student bowed and went to change his clothes.

Even if he wanted to quit, he couldn't. He needed money to buy food, pay the rent and pay for school fees. His boss also could've fired him but there were less workers in this place.

Thanks to Taehyung, i got my salary cut.


"Oi, do my English essay by tomorrow." Taehyung slamed his paper on Jungkook's desk.

"Orelse." The older cupping the younger's chin with a clenched fist.

Scared, the younger nodded.

The older smirked and went away.


After school, the younger student had forgotten to bring his pencilcase with him so he went back to his classroom to get it back but saw something which disgusted him.

Taehyung was making out with a slutty girl. As expected, her shirt's buttons were unbuttoned, showing her cleavage. Her skirt way up, showing her underwear.

Jungkook didn't hesitate to walk in and get his pencilcase. He made eye contact with the older which somehow made his heart sink.

Before he could run, the older grabbed his wrist.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

"I-i-i'm sorry." The younger bowed and tried to leave but the older's grip tightened.

"Baby, we'll continue this tomorrow." The older blew a kiss at the girl, who left.

"Back to you."

"I've got to teach you some manners." The older smirked.

He grabbed the younger's bag and threw it on the floor.

"Boys!" His friends came to pin the younger into the wall.

"P-please let me go." The younger sobbed.

"Not until you've learned your lesson." The older started to punch his stomach.

"Ah! P-please i-i beg y-you!" The younger whispered.

The younger saw a clenched fist flying towards him, before he blacked out.


Jungkook woke up in his classroom.

He's body was aching like hell.

He checked the time, it was 5:30.

He was late for his work. His boss will kill him for sure.

"Jeon Jungkook!" And as expected the gorilla roared.

"I-I'm sorry. I had to stay after school." The young student stuttered looking down.

The gorilla's face was so red and had fire in his eyes, the student was scared, trembling.

What's more scary was, his boss slapped his pale skin making it redder than ever.

Jungkook fell on the hard ground, holding his left cheek that was now burning.

"You piece of trash! Now that you're late, you'll have to work overtime. I don't care if you have school or whatever. You'll work until 3 in the morning. I'm cutting off half of your salary because you deserve it, nerd." His boss yelled slamming the door behind him.

Jungkook stood up, wiping his tears. Why was his life like this. He wished his mother or Jimin would be there to comfort him and tell him that everything's going to be okay.

He went to his lockers and changed his clothes. To be honest, all the staff workers hates him. So you could say he has no friends around him in the cafe.

He has one friend, Jimin. He could and wants to share his sorrow with him but he doesn't want to trouble Jimin. Even though nobody would seem to care.


The young student checked his phone to see it was 2:45a.m.

"Fifteen minutes to go and I'm off." He sighed as he continued sweeping the floor.

Jungkook then went home and without changing his clothes, fell asleep.


Jungkook was almost late to school but reached 5 minutes before the teacher comes in.

"Where's my homework?" He looked up to see Taehyung.

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