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Jungkook forgot to do it since he had to work overtime and due to his tiredness, he fell asleep right away last night.

"I-uh i forgot to do it." The younger looked down not daring to face the older.

"You..WHAT?! I'm going to kil-" The older was about to punch the younger's face but got cut off by their teacher.

"Morning class, please hand in your essay now. If you didn't do it or forget to do it, it's simple; detention until 4." The teacher said, walking around to collect the essays.

"Jungkook and Taehyung, where are your worksheets?" The teacher asked pushing his glasses.

"I-i forgot to do it." The younger said.

"I also forgot to do it." The older said, giving the younger a death stare.

"That's so unexpected, Kim Taehyung. You would always hand in your work on time." The teacher said, raising an eyebrow.

"It's just, i forgot about it." The older said, trying to calm his nerve.

"Well, since this is a important essay, and the two of you forgot about it, you'll be staying after school for detention." The teacher said.

The older got mad kept kicking the younger's chair.

"Stupid bastard." The older whispered, making the younger flinch.

"I'm so sorry." The younger whispered, he made sure the older wouldn't hear.


After detention, Jungkook hurried packing his bag, he didn't wanted another slap from his boss.

Before he took a step outside the school gate, he got pulled behind.

"Yah!" It was of course, none other than Taehyung.

"Y-yes?" The younger stuttered walking backwards.

"You. You did such a horrible thing for seeking revenge." The older flicked his finger on the younger's forehead.

"I-i wasn't t-trying t-to seek r-revenge, i swear." The younger was scared to death.

" Hah. Jinjya?" The older looked down and shook his head.

"You piece of shi-" The older punched Jungkook's face.

"I tell you. This is going to be the last day you'll be breathing!" The older held the younger's collar and yelled.

It started raining.

To Taehyung's surprise, Jungkook smiled.

He wanted to die anyways. He had no one who'd care about him. Jimin would be glad, he wouldn't need to hang out with a loser like him. He'll be happy to see his mother, who's waiting up there.

"Yah! Stop smiling!" The older punched his face even harder.

They both were drenched. But, Jungkook was drenched even more due to his blood.

The older kept kicking in his stomach, punching his face, but he was still tolerating everything.

"That's enough." A voice yelled behind them.

"Hyung?" Taehyung looked back.

"Not yet, hyung. This bastard deserves more." He continued kicking the younger's stomach.

"Enough is enough, Tae." Seokjin pulled Taehyung way from Jungkook.

"Yah! Stop! He derserves it! I will kill him! Yaaaaaahhh!" The voice faded away as they went away.

Jungkook's eyes slowly closed, as his eyes got heavier.


Jungkook shot his eyes up. He looked around and was in his same position as before.

It was pretty obvious that no one would help a dying nerd.

It was still raining, but it was heavier this time.

He looked for his bag and found them. But his books were all ripped. His stationary were all broken. He smiled to himself, he already knew it was Taehyung.

He then found a note on the pocket of his pants.

'You deserve it.'

He crumbled the paper and put it in his pocket and went to work.



As expected, Jungkook got slapped by his boss.

"I'm not going to give your salary for this month. You've caused enough trouble!" The boss kicked him.

The boss did notice his blood, but didn't give a damn.

"I'm sorry! Please, just don't cut my salary. I need it for education, school fee." The younger sobbed.

"!'' He got slapped, again.

The younger cried and cried, convincing his boss, but failed.

"You're working until six today."


"You heard me." The boss said.

Can this day get any worser?


Taehyung was really pissed so his hyungs advised him to go to get a drink to cool him off, so he did.

That Jungkook bastard better learn his lesson. If he messes with him again, he'll surely end up in hell.

He went to a random cafe and ordered coffee.

After he drank his coffee, he was on his way to the restroom when he heard a glass break.

"Yah! You dumbtart! You broke a glass, you do that again, I won't hesitate to kick you out!"

Then he heard someone get slapped. A boss slapping his staff? No, this isn't right.

He went closer and saw the boss clenching his and the staff on the floor.

His eyes widened.

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