Chapter 5

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Chapter Five
"Let The Fun Begin"

{Carl's POV}

Negan didn't drag me this time. He just made sure I walked right beside him. He took me into the doctor's room and sat me on the chair. I didn't want to be here, honestly, I just wanted to get my hat back and go back home, and try not to think about Salem.
But I was here now.
And I guess that's all that matters.

My dad hasn't came for me, or maybe he had and I just didn't know because I was being drowned in this stupid song called Easy Street. Speaking of that.....

Negan sat me down. "Alright, patch him up."

"You can't just do that," I said firmly. "If it's infected, then you have to...."

"Kid, that shit doesn't matter. You sure as hell know we're all infected. One little bruise ain't gonna effect you in anyway!" Negan said.

My eyes softened as I felt the doctor wrapping cold bandages around me. It felt relaxing, and I kind of smiled to myself.

When I was finished, Negan took me by the arm. "Come on, kid," he said. "Let's go for a ride."

Negan lifted me by my non-wounded shoulder and began to drag me out. I flinched my shoulder to unhold his grasp, which made him smirk slyly. I tried not to notice too well, but he just kept staring at me as we walked. I noticed a room that looked very familiar. Salem was in there, I could hear her talking to someone. I wanted that someone to be me. I don't know why, but I knew there was no way I was leaving with Negan without at least seeing Salem and us locking eyes and her small, kind smile makes me happy. Because, lord help me I was not happy right now.
I guess Negan saw me eyeing the room, because he simpered and the grasp on my shoulder tightened.

"You wanna see her, don't you?" He asked, his voice was mingy, and it made me tense up. His hand on my shoulder held me tightly, and I could tell I couldn't leave his side. "I'm not that bad of a man, Carl." He said and opened the doors. There was Salem. But as I was about to run to the bed, he pulled me back. So all I could do was stare at her. It was like being tortured. I felt like I was being tortured by not being able to go to her.

All I could do was look.

She was in a small plastic bed, that looked very uncomfortable, to the right of the room near the couches that I had kissed her at. The wind blew in softly and I don't think it bothered her since she had some sort of wool heating blanket. How the hell did they even get one of those? It was Winter, so I guess it really could come in handy. But her look was petrified, and she flinched and almost reached for me. But one of Negan's men, Dwight, I think, pulled her back down and deeply stared into my eyes. I stood stiffly from Negan's grasp and stared at Salem, my heart pounding and my desire to get to her.


{Salem's POV}

        The door swung open as my head throbbed in pain, Dwight was at my side with a cruel look as they opened. Then he smirked slyly. I turned to the door to see Carl, his face bruised more than ever and his shoulder covered in bandages, just like his eye. He looked ossified, petrified, in pain. He struggled against my dad's grasp on him and was about to step in, but my dad, being the monster he is, pulled him back and I felt tears. I reached out for him, but my hand was quickly taking down by Dwight who only kept his eyes on Carl.

"Well, well. Let the fun begin!" My dad said, he shoved Carl to the ground and he fell on his hands and knees, he almost couldn't resist getting back up. He was hurt, and I didn't want this.

"Daddy, no!" I said, staring at the broken Carl.

"Oh, honey. Salem, honey, I've done so much worse to him." My dad said fiercely, taking Lucille in his grasp.

"Daddy, you know what happened last time you did this!" I cried, then noticing a bandage around Dwight's hand where I bit him. "You don't have to do this again."

"Salem, honey, I don't want to." He said slyly. "I really, really don't want to. But there's nothing you can do about it this time, only sit there and watch. And don't worry, I won't kill him. In fact, I'm not even planning to hurt his head, not today....."

His voice echoed into my throat, I felt pain and the urge to jump, but I couldn't. I was just in so much pain everywhere. My vision went blurry, and my dad noticed.

"Salem, no..." he said cruelty. "No going to sleep yet, you have to watch..." he said, Dwight pulling my head to focus on Carl.

"Let's get this started!" My dad hissed, and the bat slammed against Carl's side, he screamed, and blood came pouring out.

"Daddy, please!" I screamed through tears. "Please don't hurt him!"

"There's no more time for pleading." My dad said harshly and hit the bat against Carl's left leg, blood came rushing out.

"I love him!" I screamed, it echoed against the dim walls and I saw Carl's hurt face slowly turn pale. There was silence. "I love him, daddy...." I whispered. I saw his hat on the table and cried harder.

My dad felt pity, I could tell.

"No exceptions!" He yelled and hit Carl in the side again, this time knocking Carl to the floor and he was out.

He took Lucille and cut the bandages open, stabbing the bat into his open infected pussing skin. "That's it for today." He whispered, then whistled and him and Dwight walked out.

I ran to Carl, my blood pumping as I tore machines out of my arms and my head throbbing, but there were blood puddles around him.

"It's okay, Carl...." I whispered. "I'm here."


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