Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight
"You're Negan's Daughter, Aren't You?"

Here we were, Enid and I, she was kissing me. And there was Salem, who was crying on the ground, not noticing me.
It wasn't a quick kiss, but I let go swiftly. Worry filled Enid's eyes and she looked me up and down and noticed me holding onto my side and blood almost everywhere, even covering my clothing. She took my hand and lead me to Maggie without a word, Maggie gave me a solemn hug and rushed me to the doctors, my father stumbling to catch up.
The last thing I remember was being sat on a bed and my father in the corner crying.


{Salem's POV}

My heart skipped a beat once I felt myself being lifted from the damp ground from my tears. I looked up and saw a girl, who seemed pretty young, maybe in her 20s, with short brown hair that didn't flow like mine with gentle eyes and smiling lips. I remembered now. This was the short haired girl I didn't want to get hurt.

"Hey sweetie, I'm Maggie," she whispered through her country accent. It was heart warming.

"H... hi, I'm Salem...." was all I could muster up to say before we were heading towards a doctor's office. I figured Carl must be in there; healing from all his wounds my father caused.

My father.

What would these people think knowing I was raised by him? Birthed by his wife? His daughter??

I was sat in a seat beside a girl who looked about my age, her eyes were locked on Carl who was fast asleep with IVs in his arms and his heart beat slowly starting to increase.
She turned to me, her lips pierced. She gave me a small smile and turned back to look at him.

"You know him?" She said softly, her eyes still locked on him.

She sounded kind of jealous, but I don't know why. I mean, Carl loved me and he didn't seem to care for anyone else. "Y... yeah," I said. "He's really sweet. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have made it here."

"And what exactly do you want here?" The girl asked me through a cruel tone. I said nothing but stared at her, confusing building up in my eyes. She turned and met my gaze. "I know who you are."

"M... my name is Salem," I said, the confusing slipping to my voice.

"You're Negan's daughter, aren't you?" She asked with a snarl, turning back face Carl.

"Y.... yes."

"He was muttering words about you, Salem. He wished you were "right with him" and that you could "kiss him again" and.... and....." By now, tears were swelling into her eyes. She looked at me again. "He's my boyfriend."

My heart dropped.


I sat face to face with a dark-eyed man. He continued to look me up and down as I scanned his eyes. This was their leader, Rick Grimes, who barely spoke until...

"What's your name?" His voice was fierce and cut into me. He seemed furious, and I would've been, too, if my enemy dropped his daughter off at my home with my people.

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