Chapter 10 (The Ending)

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Chapter 10
"The Ending"

{Carl's POV}

I sat in one of the houses. I was in the corner on the hard wood floor. It was cold to the touch, and I just wanted to go find Salem. My knees were to my chest but I told myself not to cry. I would be with her soon. Hopefully.


Finally I got up, walking out of the house. I didn't bear to guff to dad, to Michonne, to Maggie, to Glenn... but there was someone I did want to talk to.


I saw Enid walking out of the large building and went over to her. "Hey Enid." I said, my voice was still weak but I did the best I could. I wanted her to think I didn't care that Salem was gone. But I really did.

"Hey." She shrugged, and continued to walk. I caught up with her.

"Enid, I need to talk to you." I said willingly.

"About what? I don't know if I'm fully ready to have a conversation with you." She sassed cruely, but I could see the pity in her eyes.

"Enid... I'm willing to talk to you." I said.

"Carl, just leave me alone!" She said, the pity growing.

"Please Enid, I need someone to talk to." I said, and her eyes grew bleak and she shut them tightly.

"I'm just..." her hands went into fists and she stood there, her body tensed. Until she let out a sigh and looked me in the eye. "I'm just not ready to talk to you, okay?"

And I began to walk away. I spotted Maggie running out of the doctor's room, she was shouting something and it sounded like she was crying. I ran over to her.

She screamed indescribable words, tears running down her cheeks. I ran to her and grabbed onto her arms.

"Maggie, Maggie. What's wrong?!"

"He's dying!" Maggie shouted helplessly. "He's dying! He's dying!"

"Who? Who?"



{Salem's POV}

I pressed my hands against my face to hide my tears as I felt the truck I was in steady. I'd hid from my father in this truck that's going to the Hilltop. I need to see Carl again.

It was a bumpy ride, but thankfully the truck wasn't loaded with much but a box of guns. It finally came to a stop and I hopped out before anyone could spot me.
I snuck into the gates and ran behind a house, shielding myself from the Saviors. I carefully watched out for anyone spying on me, and ran into one of the small houses that Carl stayed in. I knocked on the door. It opened slightly.

"Is anyone home?" I called through the crack.

"Who you?" I heard a childish voice squeak from the other side.

"My name is Salem," I said. "I'm here to see Carl."

"Judith, come here," I heard a voice say. The voice was sweet, and it sounded like honey. I opened the door and there was Michonne. She gave me a placid smile. "You're back."

"I'm here to see Carl, is he around?" I asked and she nodded.

"He's in the nurses room. Glenn was dying. Thankfully we were able to fix him before anything terrible happened. He's fine now."

"Thank you." I said before taking off.

I run into the nurses room, and that's when I see Carl. His hat is covering his eyes. His hair is down to his shoulders as it was, and all I wanted to be do was cuddle up in his arms.

I quietly walked to him, and when he still didn't look up, I caressed my arms around him, letting a giggle escape my mouth.

"Guess who?" I laughed.

Carl's head finally came up, and when he saw me, he took me into his arms and I simpered. He brought me into a tongue-swirling kiss by surprise, and I giggled through it. When it was over, we sat there and cried together.

And no matter what, I knew I would never go back to my dad. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

I'm happy with Carl. And he's happy with me.


The end! Yay! This was kind of a cliffhanger, but at the same time, not really. I don't know if I'll ever really be doing a sequel, because this story was really complicated, and no one really liked it. But I hope you enjoyed my first completed book! :)

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