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Jay's POV
Finally the holidays have finished and school starts in two days. I can't wait to meet my friends in school, we have met during the holiday but being in school together gives you the sense of acting stupid together. I'm going out to buy new clothes for school on Monday.

Sorry the introduction is late, but I'm the school jock. My names Jason Michel, but people call me Jay for short. I've gotta look sexy for the ladies anyway, that's why I'm going shopping with my best buddy Luke.

"Are you ready yet?" Luke yells from downstairs.

"Nearly done." I yell back. I pick up a jean and a black shirt to go with the jean. I climb down the stairs just to meet Luke.

"That sure took you ages to wear." Luke says.

"It only took me 5 minutes to throw it on, what do you mean by ages?", I reply back.
"Shush now let's get going."

We leave the house, not after getting money from my parents. We enter Luke's car and the we drive off to the mall.

"Put on some music, Luke."

"No, this is my car so hands off." I reach out and turn on the radio anyways.
We listen to "Look at me now" by Jason derulo.

For about what felt like 15 minutes we reached the mall.
We parked the car and went straight to the men's clothe area. We spot one of our friends.

"Hey, man how's it going?" Dave asks.

Dave Ferguson is one of my friend who is the heart-breaker in our group. He toys with your heart and confuses you by making you think he likes you, but in the end he dumps you after using you. P.s: he's the kind of man you want to stay very far away from.

"It's going good." Luke reply with the hand shake and the shoulder bump.

"It's going great." I reply with the same handshake.

We try out some new jeans and t-shirts until we get the right amount we want.

"Let's go get some food, man I'm hungry." Luke says.

" Ok, then let's go to Applebees' and get some food, we might be lucky and meet some pretty ladies too." I say with a smirk.

"Count me in too." Dave says, with the evil smile he have when he's going to break a girl's heart. Me and Luke both grin at Dave.

"What about Lucy, Jay?," Dave says "Ain't you guys together anymore?."

"Yeah we are but there's nothing wrong with having a side chick right?" I reply with a smirk.

" Oh damn, you're the man Jay." Dave says.

"Now let's go to the Applebees' ." Luke announces.

We leave the men's shop to go to Applebees', and we get looks from ladies who would probably jump us if any three of us were to approach any of them. But we also get murderous looks from their boyfriends, who gets jealous. We reach Applebees' unharmed.

"That was pretty intense out there." I say.

"Dude I wish I could've gotten one of their numbers, and done the deed with her." Dave replies.

"I'm glad we made it unharmed." Luke says.

We look around Applebees' just to see other girls staring at us with the same look we are used to.

" I don't think we are still safe." I whisper to both Luke and Dave with a grin.

"Yup, this will be pretty intense." Luke answers.

"At least more ladies for me." Luke says winking to one of the girls in the shop.

I look around just to find Lucy Beech with her minions as you call them, because they're are pretty much that. I put on my fake smile on and approach her and her minions.

"Hi baby!!." Lucy says with the most annoying voice that always hurts my head.

"Hi babe, what're you doing in Applebees' ?" I say a little surprised. " I thought you were on a diet."

" Yeah,'s just that Ellie here wasn't on a diet so I came along with her." Lucy says. I knew she was lying, she probably was meeting with another guy. She's that type of girl.

" Oh ok then, looks like you're done." I say playing along with her lie.

"Yeah and we should probably be going, are you done Ellie? We gotta go," Lucy says in a rush.

" Sorry I couldn't stay with you but gotta go bye babe." Lucy says and stands up, gives me a kiss in the lips and practically drags her friends out of the shop.

"Dude, she was obviously cheating on you!" Dave says with a laugh.

"I know but I don't wanna say it because I don't really like her that much, I'm just using her for personal pleasure that's all." I say with no expression.

"Now let's order or we will get starved." Luke says.

I look around one more time to see if there's a lady to my liking but just to find my troubled neighbour, Daniel Mason.

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