Chapter Nine

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     " is absolutely beautiful out here. How on earth did you ever find this place?" Misty asked, turning around slowly to take in the beautiful scenery. She kept turning around until she was facing Clay. 

     "I was driving around one day and saw a for sale sign out by the gate and decided to check it out." Clay explained, looking between Misty and the scenery around them. The mountains, set against the cloudless blue sky, painted a gorgeous picture in the background. Where they were standing was on a hill, and looking down below them, Misty could see a stream, sporadically lined with trees. There were some incredibly beautiful spots on the McAdams ranch, but nothing compared to this view. 

     "Wait, so if it's for sale, are we even allowed to be out here? Aren't we trespassing right now?" Misty asked, processing what Clay said about how he found it. Part of her didn't care if they were trespassing because the view was honestly worth a warning or small fine from the cops.  

      Clay chuckled, looking down at Misty. "It's not for sale anymore."

     "Wait, it's not? So then we really are trespassing." Misty stated. 

     "No, darlin', we ain't trespassing." Clay smiled at Misty, wrapping his arms around her slim frame. "I bought it." Clay looked at the panoramic view before him. With the birds singing in the background, and the way the sunlight hit the treetops, shining down on the lush green grass, it truly looked like something out of a fairytale movie. 

     Misty straightened, looking up at Clay. "You bought this? This land is yours?"

     "Yes ma'am." Clay couldn't help but smile at the beauty in his arms. He loved when Misty looked up at him with this blue eyes and long eyelashes. "And you're the first person I've brought out here to see it." Clay added, softly caressing Misty's cheeks in his hands.  

     "Aw. I feel so special that I was the first person you brought out here." Misty said, her eyes sparkling. 

     "I used to think this piece of land was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, but lookin' into your eyes right now, I know that you, Misty McAdams, are the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever laid sight on." Clay's voice was deeper and quieter.  

     "Clay..." The word was breathed out in a whisper. It was the only thing Misty could say. But, since actions seem to speak louder than words, Misty met Clay's lips, silently thanking him for the compliment. 

     Clay slid his hands down from Misty's face to her waist, pulling her up to him even tighter. Misty, in an attempt to silently tell Clay she didn't want him to pull away, wrapped both her arms around Clay's neck.  

     After a few more long kisses, Clay pulled back, but rested his head on Misty's forehead. After catching his breath, Clay slid his hands slowly up Misty's back. "I've been waitin' all day to do that." Clay smiled at Misty who looked up at him as if he was a dream...a dream that made her knees go weak. She once told him that she was glad that, when he kissed her, he kept his arms around her because every time they kissed, Clay made her knees go weak.  

      "Yeah?" Misty smiled.

     "Yeah." Clay whispered out. His eyes looked down to Misty's lips before quickly deciding to kiss her just once more. 

     "I have to say, Clay Montgomery, this is a pretty good first date." Misty flirted, her arms still around Clay's neck.

     Clay's warm chuckle melted Misty. "As much as I would love to spend our date kissing you, that's not what I brought you out here for." Clay replied. Pulling back from Misty, he grabbed her hand, leading her to his truck. "I thought we could have a picnic lunch and just talk." Clay said, looking at Misty before dropping her hand to open the back door of the cab of his truck. Reaching in, Clay pulled out a thick checkered blanket and a wicker picnic basket. "Come on." Clay smiled, leading Misty back to the flat spot that overlooked the property. 

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