Chapter Twenty Four

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       "Alright, first up today, we have an eight year old OTTB rescue." Misty's dad, Bill, said through the microphone. "Racehorses aren't common in this area, we know, but Charlie here is a great horse with lots of promise. In the two months he has been with us, we have started training him to be a roping horse. He has improved greatly, and he loves people. My daughter, Misty, will ride him around for a little while, and then we will start the bidding." Bill turned off the microphone, turning his attention to the arena where Misty entered on the back of the tall, bay Thoroughbred. Misty had really come to enjoy this horse. Because of his past on the racetrack, he lives for the adrenaline rush of the opening of the gate, which gave Bill the idea of him being a roping horse. It also meant that he was used to big, loud crowds. It took some time, but Charlie was starting to get used to having a rope spun over his head. Misty's only hope was that a willing owner would buy him today. The racing industry, and Thoroughbred horses were rare in Wyoming, which is part of why Charlie was abandoned and left for dead by his previous owners. Misty hoped someome would be willing to look beyond his past and into what his future holds.

       Charlie responded well to Misty's cues as she walked, trotted, and loped him around the large arena. After about ten minutes of riding, Misty led the horse to the center of the arena, stopping him before pulling out her rope. She started by making the loop, watching Charlie's ears the whole time. When she decided that he wasn't going to spook, Misty swung the loop over her head, asking Charlie to walk slowly around the center of the arena until he was lined up with the roping dummy. Swinging her rope faster over her head, Misty let it fall onto the dummy's head, telling Charlie to turn left. The crowd clapped as Misty gathered her rope, smiling at how well he did. 

         "Alright, folks. Great demonstration by Bill's daughter. Charlie is a great horse. Let's start our bidding now. Let's start at one bill. Just $100." Arthur, the auctioneer started the bidding, pointing to each person in the crowd when they placed their bid. "Remember, folks, all proceeds go to the food bank and charities." The bids grew higher and higher as Misty continued riding Charlie around the arena. "$1,350 going once. $1,350 going twice...and sold to customer 213!" Just like that, Charlie was sold, and for a much larger sum than anyone in Misty's family could have expected. With a huge smile on her face, Misty patted Charlie's neck, telling him he was a good boy and that she was proud of him. 

           Next, it was time for Kate, Waylon's wife, to ride one of the horses for the demonstration. Waylon was one of the hands on the McAdams' ranch, and he was one of the family's closest friend. Kate was a multi buckle winning barrel racer, so it just seemed fit to have her ride Miracle, a buckskin mare who was dropped off at the ranch a few months ago with severe malnutrition and neglect. Miracle used to be a fantastic barrel horse until her rider got into an accident which caused her to stop riding. The rider's parents could no longer afford to pay for their horse, nor had the time to take care of her. Miracle was just that, a miracle. 

           Kate waited patiently at the gate, controlling the excited mare, as Clay and Waylon set up the barrels in the arena. Once they were finished, Bill gave the go-ahead, and Kate let Miracle have her head as she burst into the arena, turning perfectly around each and every barrel. The audience cheered as if it was a real rodeo, and even though Kate had tried holding Miracle back, Miracle put on quite a show, having a perfect, fast run. 

         Arthur grabbed his microphone, teasing into it, "Alright, Kate, you can stop showin' off now. Let's go ahead and bring Miracle back in here and show everyone that she has a quiet side, too." The audience chuckled at Arthur's comment. Kate led a now calm Miracle back into the arena, walking her around slowly. Shortly after, Arthur began the bidding, ending it at $3,000. 

           From her spot on the other side of the fence, Misty's eyes grew wide when she heard the number that Miracle was sold for. "$3,000?!" Misty unintentionally said out loud. Beside her, she heard a chuckle. Turning, Misty saw Clay walking up next to her, fiddling with the rope in his hand. 

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