Chapter Sixteen

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      "Okay. We have your shipments ready for you out back. Can I do anything else for you today, Miss McAdams?" The kind, newly hired teenager asked Misty. 

      "No, ma'am, that's it." Misty smiled, handing the girl her dad's ranch credit card. 

     "Alright. Whenever y'all are ready, just pull your truck around to the back and you'll see signs for 'order pickup.'" Clara, the teenager said, waiting until she was finished with the statement before sliding the credit card. "Do y'all need any help loading your truck?" Clara handed the credit card back to Misty. 

       "No, we are good." Misty threw her thumb back towards Clay. "My friend here can help me." Looking over her shoulder, she smiled at Clay. She really was glad that he decided to come along with her. "Right, honey?" Misty asked after seeing the straight look on his face.

       "Of course. I'm always willin' to help my girlfriend." Clay responded, putting a weird emphasis on the word "girlfriend." 

       "Okay, well, y'all have a great day!" Clara said with a smile. 

       "Thanks. You too!" Misty said back, walking out of the feed store. Grabbing her keys off her carabiner clip on her hip, Misty opened the drivers' side door, hopping in and placing the key in the ignition. Turning it, she started her truck, putting it in drive to drive around to the back of the store. As always, the owner's son, Robert was out back, helping with orders. 

       Putting her truck in park, Misty left the engine running, jumping down from the cab. Clay followed suit. "Afternoon, Rob." Misty smiled, greeting her 20-something friend. "Robert, you know Clay, right?" Misty walked over to where Robert was stationed by the prepared feed and bedding shipment.

      "Of course I remember Clay. How are you, man?" Robert asked, extending his hand. 

      "Doin' well." Clay returned the shake before asking where their shipment was. After Robert pointed it out, he went to help another customer. 

      Misty walked over to the pallet where multiple bags of feed and bedding were. Grabbing one of the plastic wrapped bags of bedding, Misty walked over to her truck, setting it inside. Walking back over to the pallet, she grabbed a second bag, but Clay's voice stopped her. 

      "Nice try, darlin', but remember I told you that you're not allowed to lift anything. That's why I tagged along." Clay playfully scolded, placing a soft kiss on Misty's cheek as he walked past her with two feed bags on each shoulder. 

     "Oh, come on, Clay, these bags ain't even heavy." Misty teasingly pouted, reaching for another bag, watching Clay closely to see if he would notice. 

       "Uh nuh. Nice try." Clay walked over, taking Misty's hand off of the bag to hold his, interlacing their fingers. "I need the workout, and there's not many bags here. So," Clay turned from his girlfriend, setting a bag of bedding on it's side. Pointing to it, he said, "you sit here and keep me company as I load these. It won't take me long. And after we get finished, how about we get some lunch?" 

       Letting out a breath, Misty took a seat on the bag of bedding Clay set aside for her. "Alright, cowboy." She said with a smile. Relaxing on the makeshift seat, Misty watched her handsome boyfriend as he loading the shipment into her truck bed. As Clay picked up some of the feed bags, Misty was truly impressed by his muscles; she had never noticed just how defined they were, but then again, this is the first day that Misty had seen Clay with a white shirt that had the sleeves cut off, with the slits cut down about halfway on his torso, revealing part of his chest. 

       With two feed bags on each shoulder, Clay walked over to the truck bed, setting them beside the stack he had started on the tailgate. Making his way back over to the pallet, he stopped for a moment to smile at Misty. "What?" Misty asked, laughing at Clay.

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