Chapter 1

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Mike's pov

"Alright dad , I'm off ." I said starting the engine.

"Where you heading this time ?" Dad asked.

"Just heading to Mount.Akina for a spin." I replied excitedly.

"You sure enjoy driving there don't you." Dad replied with a smirk on his face . Of course I do , I've been driving there for as long as I can remember . I can't explain why but driving there makes me feel relaxed and calm. "Don't drive until you crashed OK." "Got it." I replied .

"Don't come back too late tomorrow's the first day of school." Dad reminded me.

"Ok." I replied reluctantly. GOD DAMMIT. I never enjoyed school , the things they teach are Soooooooooooo boring. If they at least have a class that could teach me about cars it wouldn't be so boring , but sadly they don't .

"Ok I'm off." I said as I stepped the gas and left.

30 mins later .

"Let's GOOOO!" I yelled so loud that I thought my lungs would explode , I was going downhill as fast as I could . Its as good thing very little people come here , probably because this place is quite popular to have a lot of races but there are no races planned tonight so I get to enjoy myself with no interruptions. "Ok,I better go back before dad kicks my ass." I groaned as I head back home.

Once I reached home , I parked the car and walked through the front door where my dad was standing there with a huge smirk on this face. "Didn't I tell you not to come back too late ?" He said . I turn to look at the clock in the living room to check the time . It was 10.35 pm. "Oh come on dad! I only came back like what 5 mins later than usual." I complained. It was only 5 BLOODY MINUTES ARE YOU SERIOUS?! . "Hahaha... I'm just joking around. But at least tell me your gonna be late even by a few mins so that I will know. You have a phone for reasons you know and this is one of them." Dad replied in a slightly strict tone. Yeah he's got a point. "Alright ." I replied. "Well I'm going to sleep.Goodnight." I said as I walked up to my room. 'Good , don't wanna be late on the first day of school." Dad said . Yay school, oh the sarcasms. "fine..."I wined as I walked to my bedroom and went to sleep.    

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