Just after the end of twilight Bella shuts down. She doesn't speak to Edward, Alice or any of the Cullen's; let alone her other friends. They know something is wrong, very wrong - but how can they help her if she won't even tell them what's wrong?
The first was a picture of Charlie, taken back in the days when he was peaceful. He's facing the camera, but he's actually looking away, a stern expression on his face. He's just found out that I got hit by a truck (or rather didn't, but of course I never told him much about what Edward did that day). I drop the photo quickly, making sure not to look into his eyes. Just incase.
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I rifled through the box, trying to find a happy photo. I glanced across at Alice's careful expression, wondering which memory would hurt the most to give to her. Finally I found what I was looking for — a faded black and white number, a picture of me hugging Alice hard after one of my first encounters with Charlie. She didn't understand why I'd been so happy to see her, why I'd been so glad to get out of the house and pretend that I was normal — even if it was only for a few hours. She only knew that I loved her and her family, and that I'd been having a bad day.
I passed the photo to her, watching as her eyes scanned the faded paper in front of her. She'd given me the photo a few days after it'd been taken, along with a load of others — most of the photos in this box, in fact. She'd told me that I could put them in my safe box (that was what I called it) because the Cullens were a part of my life now, and they weren't ever going to leave.
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She smiled ruefully and passed it back to me, a new understanding gleamed in her eyes. I jolted when I realised that this was actually a game we were playing — I showed her what I wanted her to see, and she deciphered the meaning. She must of found a new message to the photo, realised why I'd been so happy to see her. I glanced down at my hands with caution — I would have to be a lot more careful with the pictures I showed her. There were somethings I didn't want her to know; even if she was a fortune telling pixie, she couldn't see the past.
Rifling through again I found a picture of Edward and me, playing the piano. It was taken the first time I went round to the Cullen house by a sneaky Alice, when I wasn't looking. The moment was clear and crisp in my memory, a beautiful day just before the pain started. I bit my lip at the emotions I felt welling inside — was it possible for something to make you both happy and sad at the same time? I didn't know, but whatever I was feeling sure felt a lot like that.