Chapter 22: Explaination

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"She has a really high fever, and really pale" 
"Should we get her to the hospital?"

"I don't think it is that bad..."

"What could have happened to her?"

"I wonder what she was doing over here"

I really wanted to wake up, but my eyes refused to open and my whole body was heavy. 

"Should I leave you two alone for a while?" I heard a voice.

"Thanks guys"

I slowly opened my eyes, even though it was hard, I somehow did it.
"(Y/N)!" a voice said.
I looked over and saw Suga looking at me, worried. 
"What happened?! Why did you collapsed  outside?!"
His hand was reaching for my hand, but I slapped it away.

Suga looked shocked at me.

"W-what's wrong??"
I looked Suga in the eye. His deep brown eyes that I love.

"What am I to you?"

"What do you mean (Y/N)?"
I sat up from the bed, and looked away, facing the wall.

"What am I to you" I repeated.
Silence filled the room.
After a while, Suga broke it and spoke up.

"Someone who is really precious to me"

"Oh really?" I said, tearing up. His answer melted in my heart. It would be perfect if I could trust his words...

"Well, I should go" 
I got out of the bed and was heading to the door, then Suga grabbed my arm.

"Why? You are sick, you should rest!"

I turned myself around, facing him.
"I don't think your girlfriend would like it"
"Wait, what did you say?"

I could feel the anger rise through my body. Why did I have to repeat after myself, it was already hard enough to say it the first time.
"Isn't it the reason you kept distance? Because you found another one?"

Even I was the one who said it, the truth still hurt, and brought tears to my eyes.

"About that..." Suga started to say.

"Our manager found out that I went to the party, and I got punished for getting involved into others business."
I looked away, knowing that, even if we want to be together, father wouldn't accept it, neither would his manager. I doubt his parents would allow it too.

"I think it is best for us to just say goodbye"

I shaked his hand away and walked to the door. My hand was on the door knob as I felt a pair of arms around my shoulder. 
"What do you mean say goodbye? Why do we have to do that?"

"People don't want us to be together, and it is getting hard for me... Facing father, lying to him and the thought of breaking his heart."

"If he was a good father, he would accept who you choose." Suga said turning me around and hugged me tight.
"It was hard enough not being able to contact you, I am not going to let you go."

I broke the hug, looking right at him.
"As I said, what about your girlfriend?" 
This time, tears was streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't hide the pain from him anymore.

"She is...." he started, but stopped mid-sentence. Suga looked down on the ground.

I looked at him, hurt.

"Fine, don't tell me then."

I turned around, and was about to run out when I felt my body grow weak and realized that I was still sick. 

Suga grabbed me before I fell on the floor and looked at me.

"You are still sick, and pale. You should rest."
I shaked my head.

"No, don't worry about it, I am going to leave"
I could see his face grew irritated as he lifted me up and put me on the bed.

He tugged me in with some blankets.

"Rest" he commanded as he sat down beside me.
Too afraid to do anything, I just nodded for the moment. 

Suga scratched his min green hair, looking for words.

I sat up, looking at him.

"The girl, or the actor you are talking about... she was... helping me"
"Helping you?"
"With...  finding a present for you".

He turned his head away, I believe he was blushing. 

I started to laugh at his actions. He was so cute, just trying to find a present for me.

"H-hey! don't laugh! It's not really my thing to buy presents in the first place"

"Sorry," I tried to say between my laugher. 

I sighted out relived. 
"So you were just shopping huh. Why would the media think you two were dating, I mean nothing happened right?"
I expected a reaction from him, but all he gave me was silence.
"Right?" I repeated myself.

I felt my heart beating faster and faster. 

"she just... kissed me"
My eyes widen.
"That's why the media thought we were dating."

Oh god. How could I be so optimistic. I mean, they both is in the same world, she is an actress and he is an idol. What am I, just some daughter of a company.

"I should really go now" I said before getting out of the bed again.

"Hey! There is nothing between us!! I promise, so don't leave me!"

I turned around and faced him.
"I can't be with someone who I don't trust."
Suga opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it again.
I shaked my head, trying to prevent myself from crying, which I failed at.
"Goodbye" I said before storming out of their dorm.
The other boys questioned me, but I just ran out.
Away from Suga for good.


Hello! KawaiiAsianMari here!
Please don't hate me for leaving the chapter like this.

But stay updated for the next chapter!!
I don't know how many chapters I will write further, but don't worry, I try my best to write the best chapters I can!!

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