Chapter 2

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I awake to the smell of something delicious being cooked. I check the time and see that it is 4:30 pm. I stand up and stretch with a yawn. Then I wander into the kitchen to be greeted with a whiff of what I can only guess is a Sunday roast. Mark turns around from the stove and notices I'm standing in the door way.

"Evening sleepy head." he walks over to me and envelopes me into a hug.

"Hey." I say into the hug.

"I thought I would cook a roast, just for us."

"Sounds great." I reply as he kisses my head and lets go of me to walk back over to the stove. He starts to take the food off the cooker and places them on two plates. Next, he receives the lamb from the oven and he carves it to smaller pieces then lays it onto the plates. I take a seat at the table and await for it. 'I'm starving' I think as Mark brings the plates over to the table. He sets mine down in front of me and the other in his space.

"Thanks Mark." I say as he sits down. He looks up at me and smiles.

"No problem baby. Anything for you." He replies and we start to eat our food. It tastes amazing. He certainly is a great cook.
We have a small conversation over lunch but it's nothing really important, just about YouTube and how they're changing a few things, then little chats about other YouTubers such as Pewdiepie and Ken and how they're getting on. We discussed on how Ken is going to be a father which is great news.

Soon enough we both finish our food and place the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. I look at the time once again to find out that it's 5:00 pm. I watch Mark as he puts the dishwasher into motion. The machine starts up and the noise fills the silence. He turns around and smiles at me before strolling over to me. 

"Theres nothing left to do. Chores have been completed and videos have ben recorded. Anything in mind that you would like to do?" Mark asks sweetly. I stand and ponder over a few thoughts and one really seems to stand out to me. 

"How about a walk round the park? The sun starts setting soon, it would look stunning." I respond. A nice romantic walk with the one I love is something that creates memories forever. 

"That sounds lovely." He ruffles my hair and walks into the lounge. I follow him and grab my black hoodie from off the back off the sofa while he grabs his and puts it on. Once we're ready, we walk hand-in-hand out the door. Mark locks the door and drops the keys into his pocket. We then continue our walk down the path to the sidewalk. 

Its already getting dark as a few stars start to appear but that just makes this walk more magical. Theres a soft breeze that brushes past us every now and then. It flows through our brightly coloured hair making it wave and dance slightly. The park isn't that far, in fact its in sight on the horizon. Different colours break out in the sky as the sun starts to slowly fall. Theres reds, oranges, blues and some purple here and there. The evening sky always looks so dazzling and when the stars shine like fireflies its even better as it adds texture and detail. I turn to look at Mark as he looks up towards the colours in the sky. He looks back down and notices I'm looking over at him. 

"Something wrong?" He inquire I shake my head.

"Nah, you just look so adorable." He chuckles as he squeezes my hand lightly. 

"So do you." He replies after a few seconds. I feel myself blush but a smile creeps upon my lips.

"Thank you." We proceed our walk in silence, enjoying the collage of the evening colours and breeze. Eventually we reach the park. The trees sway along with the long grass beside the footpath. The birds sing their goodnight lullaby as a few kids play on the grass with their parents watching from a distance. The park's lake seems so lifeless as the day fades away. Tiny ripples are created from a few fish or from the leaves falling into the water. 

We walk down the footpath in search of a bench to sit on. Soon, we approach an empty bench and take a seat. All of a sudden, the darkness of the night drips down like shinning oil and more and more stars slip down, glistening. All the beautiful colours that once filled the sky have once again been taken over by the black void of the night sky. We both look up and look at the stars. Honestly, I wonder whether there is anything else out there. Or how many planets or galaxies there are. 

"Its beautiful, isn't it?" Mark's words snap me from my thoughts. I turn to look at him.

"It is. We should do this more often." 

"Yeah. How about tomorrow night?" 

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan." He smiles and turns his body to face me. 

"God I love you so much." He says before putting his free hand behind my head and pulling me closer into a kiss. We pull away after a few seconds and stare lovingly into each others eyes.

"So do I." I reply and his smiles reappears. We sit there for longer as the night sky pulls in more stars from all around. Im not sure long we stayed but I didn't mind. As long as I'm standing next to Mark, I'm fine. Time passes some more and I start to feel tired and cold. 

"Mark. I'm feeling tired, can we head back?" I request.

"Sure." He answers. We stood up and started to walk back along the same footpath. The park was dimly lit from the street lights and the odd car that would drive by. We reach the gate of the park and find our way onto the sidewalk. The street was supplied with light by the lamp posts and the moon that appears to be full. The breeze from earlier has picked up and is now colder and stronger. 

I link arms with Mark's as I feel more safe and comfortable when I'm closer to him. I notice that he looks down at me. He pulls his arm away from mine and puts it around my waist. I do the same to him so we're closer. We walk down the street like this until we reach his house. 

The walk only took 7 minutes and when we entered the house, I flopped down onto the couch. I hear Mark laugh as he takes off his hoodie and places it on the chair beside him. He comes and sits down next to me. 

"That was a wonderful walk." He says delighted. I look up at him.

"Yeah, it was." I respond. I realise that I still have my hoodie so I sit up and take it off then toss it onto the back of the sofa where it was before. I rest my head on Mark's shoulder. 

"Markimoo, can I head to bed? I'm super tired." I wonder. 

"Of course you can. I'll come with you." He replies. I sit up to allow Mark to stand and then I stand up along with him. We make our way up the stairs and into our bedroom. 

I crawl into bed once I'm ready and Mark soon joins me. I cuddle up to him and whisper, "Goodnight, I love you." Mark wraps an arm around me and replies.

"I love you too. I'll see you in the morning." I smiled and soon fell into a deep sleep next to the one I love.


A/N: Okay so nothing exciting happened in this chapter but I can assure you, the next chapter will be good. Honestly, I could have wrote more but I'm really tired and I want to get this chapter out. Im sorry its a bit boring but as always I try my best. Anyway, IU hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter, buh-bye.

- Gabster <3

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