Chapter 14

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A loud band erupted in the bright room. I quickly whirl around to see no one other than Dark. Black smoke swirls around him and his blood red eyes pierce my weak body. 

Stupidly, I run. I barge past him and sprint down the long halls. People look at me like I'm a mad man as I burst through the entrance doors. I turn a right down the quiet street. I pant and stumble a few times but I continue on moving. I know I won't be able to loose him as he knows where I am at most times but I guess it's worth a try. I come to a sudden halt as deathly smoke forms a body before my eyes. Dark stand there, grinning madly. He backs me down into a dull alley where trash is strewn around the damp ground. 

I cower in fear as my back comes in contact with the rough, brick wall. He swings out a knife from his pocket. Shhiiitt. I swear he has some obsession with sharp blades. 

"You have caused me to do this." He glares at me. "Anti is dead. And I'd love nothing more than to rip open that that wonderful flesh of yours." Dark added. He storms closer to me. To be honest, I didn't think that would kill him. Oh well, I have other important problems to deal with, like Dark swinging his knife at me. Wait! Shit!

I dodge out of the way of my ticket to the grave. He was so pissed. C'mon Mark, think! Nothing comes to mind as I was being consumed by the fact that I'm gonna die. I don't have a weapon. I don't have hope. It feels like I'm dead anyways. Loads of negative thoughts cross my mind as I slowly move out the way of Dark's strikes. But then I think about Jack. His eyes. His hair. His laugh. Everything. If I think about him, I know I can win this. I believe in him. I believe in myself. If he can recover, then I can win this fight. 

I improve my posture and just as he's about to swing again, I kick him the shin. He groans in pain. Causing him this slight bit of pain might've been a bad idea. It just made him even angrier. His eyes seem to glow a darker red as he lunges at me. I swiftly move to the side of him, pushing him after gaining more balance. He stumbles but not by much. He turns to look at me. I need to do something. Something similar to what I did to Anti. If it killed him, it should kill Dark. I run at him and before he has time process whats going on, he smashes onto the pavement. II sit on his chest putting all my weight on him and snatch the weapon from his hand. He looks so confused. 

"Well done, kiddo." He says. 

"This ain't no time for talking" I mention as I plunge the knife deep into his chest. Instantly, blood comes spewing out and covers our clothes. Streams of red liquid leaks out his mouth. I stand up from him and stare down at his body. He coughs and splutters. Before my own eyes, red and black smoke whirl around his dying body. Its like its shrinking. Then, it just disappears. Nothing is left apart from a few missed drops of blood and black goo.

I sigh. I walk out of the alley. Finally, its over. No more torture. No more pain. We can live in peace again. We can have our wedding the way we want it. Jack helped me through that fight back there. Even though he wasn't there, he was in my thoughts. 

I reach the hospital and push open the doors. A nurse looks in my direction and jogs over to me. 

"Mr. Fischbach? What happened?" She asks calmly. What do I say? A fucking demon scared me and I let my instincts take over? Nope.

"Uhh, thoughts and fears overcame me and I needed time to myself outside." That was something. Her face showed that she didn't quite believe me and I didn't expect her to but its better then sounding crazier with the truth. 

"Can I see Jack?" I wonder looking around. I need to see him.

"Yeah. He's down the corridor, next to where your room is. He might be asleep and if not, he'll be very tired." She responds with a smile. I was about to thank her but she spoke again. "Oh. We also have his accessories that he was wearing." The nurse holds up a clear plastic bag with Jack's bracelets inside. I then notice that the ring is sat between two of his bracelets. I take the bag out of her small, pale hands.

"Thank you so much. Its been so stressful. Thank you for everything." I give her a big, warm smile.

"No problem. Its what we do. The doctor should come in soon to give Jack a his medication." She says as I begin to walk off.

"Thank you once again."

I walk back down the brightly lit hall and reach Jack's room. I look inside seeing him laying on his hospital bed. I quietly step in and walk over to the chair that was standing by his bed. I take a seat and place the bag onto the table. I look at him. His chest falling and rising at a normal rate which is a good sign. The surgeons are good here. I grab his hand gently and kiss his soft skin. 

I sit there for about 5 minutes before he starts to stir. I look up to his face as his beautiful eyes show themselves. They're not clouded. They're not red and puffy from crying. They're stunning and shinning just how they should be. He looks at me and smiles she  he notices its me.

"Mark!!" He shouts as he goes to hug me but stops. He gasps as he holds his side where the wound is.

"Please don't strain yourself, baby." I tell him after he calms down from the bullets of pain. I kiss him on the forehead, still holding his hand. I can feel him hold mine too. 

"Whats happened?" He speaks tiredly.

"A lot. You got stabbed by Dark. We escaped and I carried you to the hospital. While you were getting patched up, Dark found me and we had a fight. I had you in mind during the battle which made me defeat him. They're gone. We can live happy again knowing they're not gonna hurt us." I explain. He takes it all in and is silent for a minute.

"We can live happy?" He questions. I nod and a massive smile breaks free on his lips. I hug him then pull away to kiss him on the lips. We kiss for about a minute then pull away. I ruffle his hair and grab the bag beside me.

"The nurse gave me your bracelets you were wearing." I exclaim as I hand him the bag. He gladly takes it from my hand and opens it, instantly noticing the proposal ring. He retrieves it from the bag and looks at it before slipping onto his finger. 

"I love you." I say looking at him lovingly. He smiles and pulls me in for a kiss. We then hear a cough at the door and we pull away. I turn around to see the doctor at the door.

"Sorry for interrupting but I need to explain your medication." He apologises as he walks inside and stands beside me.

"You need to take 2 tablets a day to sooth and heal your wound. You're going to be sore for a while and I'd like you to come back in 2 weeks for a check up. You will also need to be monitored over night so unfortunately you cent go home today. If everything has come back good in the morning, we'll let you go home." He clarifies as he hands me the pills. I still need to get mine from reception. I'll grab them tomorrow.

"Thank you doctor." Jack smiles at him. He walks out the door to leave us alone again. 

"I'll stay here tonight with you." I mention. 

"Mark n-"

"No, I'm staying here. I almost lost you and I want to be by your side from now on. Got it?" I say again sounding more stern but still with a smile plastered on my face. 

"Okay. I get it." I laugh and kiss his head. I'm happy we're alive. I believed that we could get out of that shit. 

We have so much to look forward to. The wedding that we will plan soon. Maybe after marriage we could adopt a child. Maybe two? We'll have to see. I love this bean. I always have and always will. 


A/N: Hey! There is one more chapter. I'm so sorry I missed uploading on friday. It was my mums birthday and I couldn't write. And I don't have pre wrote chapters because I don't have time every night to write a long ass chapter.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter! Buh-bye


Whispers In The Dark - Septiplier/Danti FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now