Chapter 9

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I awake on the cold, hard ground to someone saying my name over and over again which I can easily recognise as Mark's. 

It takes me a while to come round but when I do, I feel sharp, painful shocks shoot through my body. They all seem to be fired from the deep wound in my thigh. I wince as I move slightly. I then feel a comforting hand lay on my side. Slowly, I lift my head to see the messy red head. His face is stained with tears and his eyes are clouded up from crying. His eyes are red and puffy from crying so much. Just to see him like this breaks my heart. Weakly, I bring my hand up and rest it onto of his. 

"J-Jack...?" Mark's eyes look into mine. And just in that moment, I forget about the excruciating pain. I forget about this awful situation. I sit up straighter but slowly so I don't hurt myself or Mark. He puts a strong hand behind my back to support me. I try to smile but its broken. 

"Mark." I wrap my arms around him and cry into his shirt. Clutching to his soft shirt, I breathe in his cologne. It was slowly fading away but it still calmed me down slightly. Mark rested his head on mine and rubbed his thumb on my back. I could hear slight sniffles, guessing Mark is crying too. 

"Shhhh, Jackaboy were g-gonna be alright." He reassured me with his soft and soothing voice. I pull away from him and glance down at my thigh. Fuckin' hell! It's very deep and hurts like shite. How the fuck did I not die from blood loss? Blood stained my jeans and the floor. 

"Hold on." Mark says while standing up from the floor. He slowly stumbles over to the wooden table in the corner of the basement. He grabs a knife and pulls at his shirt. He tears of a long piece of the fabric with the blade. Mark then places the knife back onto the table and makes his way back over to my weak body. He kneels down and carefully holds my thigh. I wince as it hurts everywhere around that area but he tells me it will be okay.

"I'm gonna have to put pressure on the wound so I'm sorry if it hurts. It should stop any bad germs from infecting it and stop anymore blood from spilling out." Mark mentioned calmly. He draped the fabric over the wound and put his hand on top to keep it steady and in place. I squeeze my eyes shut as he grabs both ends and tightly pulls them together and ties them into a knot. 

"There. That should do it." Mark said. 

"Thank you Dr.Iplier." I laughed at my own statement and he seemed to chuckle slightly too. Jesus. It had been ages since we laughed. Its just be agony for the past days. 

"So. What do we do now?" I ask. "The door is locked and there is no other way to escape." I finished with a sigh.

"I have no clue. We can't do anything until they come back but we can't make a break for it as they would've probably locked the door and they'd run after us. Plus, you're injured." Mark explained pointing at my leg. I just want to break down into tears again and pray that we would be teleported back home. Mark stands up and puts out a hand for me to grab. I take it and pull myself up with his help. He takes me over to the chairs and tells me to sit as its more comfortable than the dirty, cold floor. He dragged his chair over to where mine was placed and sat down next to me holding my hand. 

"Ugghh can't we do anything to help our situation!?" I say loudly grabbing Mark's attention instantly. 

"Not really. They're too strong and could rip us apart without hesitation." He responded looking at me in the eyes. He knows that doing that calms me. Even though the pain is killing me and my mental stability is deteriorating, when I'm with him, I feel as though everything will be alright and that we'll get through this. He's like a god. You can just ask him anything and he'll always have an answer or you can always believe in him and he'll believe in you. 

"Fuck..." I speak but was soon consumed by loud shouting of the two demons upstairs. Dark seemed to shout the loudest but you could easily hear Anti too. What the hell happened to make the two loverboys shout at one another? Mark and I exchange glances, sharing confusion. I can't understand what they're saying but all I know is that one just walked out the house as a door slammed shut. I want expecting the door to open but it did, and Dark came trailing downstairs with a pissed-off expression on his evil face. He stomps right over to Mark and punches him right in the face causing him to lose balance and fall off of the chair.

"NO!" I shout but soon regret it as he looks in my direction. I look down at Mark who was holding his face and groaning. 

"And what are you gonna do about it!?" I flinch as Dark yells. "You're all so pathetic. Look at your boyfriend." He says gesturing towards Mark laying on the floor. "So weak just like you. Im surprised you haven't died yet from the stab wound. But don't worry, theres more heading your way!" He added as he walks over to the table to retrieve some more rope. He walks back and forcefully grabs my arms and puts them behind my back. He ties the rope around them tightly and then moves onto tying my legs to the chair legs. He leans drags Mark up off the floor by his hair and throws him down onto the chair. His ties his hands together and his legs to the chair legs. Great...Now we have no chance of getting out of here. Dark set the remaining rope on the table and walks back over to us with a sharpened knife in hand.

"I think this knife would look better with some red on it. So lets have some fun while Anti is gone." I exclaimed and I nearly screamed. 

We're going to die...

A/N: Another shitty chapter made by me! Yay! Currently writing this while listening to P!ATD because its fuckin awesome! My goal for each chapter is to reach 1000+ and for about all my chapters apart from one, I've done that so thats good. I know that this story is dying, its just that I like to write but I know that you don't like reading it. Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter, buh-bye.

--Gabster <3

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