Chapter 5

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Honestly, I had completely forgot about Anti. Probably because we haven't heard from our demons in a few years. I can't seem to get my head around as to why they have to give us hell.

Jack is absolutely terrified at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I am scared for both of us and what Anti did to me frightened me but I care more about Jack than myself. I had to carry him home from the park because he was too shaken up to do anything. Right now he's up in our room, curled up on the bed. I'm quite surprised because he said he wanted leaving alone. I thought he would have wanted comforting but I obeyed. I did tell him if he needs me then I'll come straight up but he hasn't said anything yet. Maybe he's got some sleep. 

I'm currently sat downstairs trying to communicate with my own alter ego, Dark. He's completely ignoring me. I have questions and I know he has the answers. I know I can't trust him but I have no one else to go to. No one else can know about them. All our fans think its fake but really its not, we can't help it, and if we could, we wouldn't let them out. 

"Dark, please answer me." I try one more time. If he doesn't respond then I'll go up and check on Jack.

"I swear to fuckin God! What do you want!?" Dark finally replies in a angry, pissed off manner. 

"What do you think I want?" I ask getting annoyed already. Maybe this was a bad idea...

"Let me guess. One of your 'fans' unsubscribed and you want help to get them back?" Dark joked. I sighed in annoyance. 

"Do you think that this is some sort of game!? Dark I'm being serious! please, just go away or you'll be sorry!" I shout at him. I don't care if he's a demon from Hell or even if he kills me, I just want Jack to be safe. 

"I think you should watch what you say to me, otherwise you'll be sorry when I get a hold of you." He says violently.

"Suuuuurrre I will. You can't do anything from inside my head." I say starting to get cocky. 

"How about now?" His deep demonic voice came from right behind me, loud and clear. He didn't...right? He can't...

I slowly turn my head around to see a mirror image of myself grinning widely behind me. His blood red eyes shoot me daggers as I stand up and make my way in front of something I thought was impossible. 

My face shows confusion as I take my last step towards the demon. 

"H-how...?" I question in massive confusion. Dark still tall before me. His deep red hair is brushed backwards and the sleeves and half of his black top was ripped right off. His navy blue jeans had rips in the knees and two claw marks along the thigh. 

"Lots and lots of work." He simply states before lunging towards me, grabbing my shirt and pushing me to the wall, smashing my back into the wall at a forceful rate. I wince in pain as he grabs my neck and squeezes tightly, cutting off my breathing, leaving me to gasp for air. I grab his wrists tightly but I have no strength now, especially compared to this monster. His eyes turn to black and a thick black goo starts to ooze out of his eyes and mouth. His grin grows wider, baring his fangs. 

I start to feel dizzy and weaker. Just as I'm about to pass out, I feel a very hard and powerful blow to the right side of my face. Then, everything goes black...

JACK'S POV: (Jack's POV will start where Mark left him in their room XD)

I had completely forgotten about them and I feel guilty. I know I can't prevent them doing anything because we don't stand a chance against them as they're way to strong and powerful. They could kill us easily but that would mean that they get sent back to Hell. Well, it is their job to kill us.

I asked Mark to leave me alone upstairs. I needed some time to myself, to think things through but maybe being alone with my mind isn't a safe place right now. Anti has been trying to communicate with me, saying I'm worthless and shit like that. He's saying what he's said before which drove me to the point to where I was nearly going to commit suicide. It feels like my mind is infested with insects or like its going to explode any moment now because of pressure from the demon. 

Unexpectedly, silence oozes over everything. Anti isn't being a prick anymore and I can't hear anything from downstairs but it is ruined by a loud bang coming from downstairs. I jolt up from the bed in shock and run down the stairs only to find a clone of Mark picking up Mark's lifeless body up off the carpeted floor. He rests Mark's limp body over his shoulder. 

I realise that the clone is in fact Darkiplier. Unfortunately, he notices my movements and whips his head around to face me with a giant smirk glued to his face. I instantly go wide-eyed as he looks straight at me, dead in the eye. 

"W-what did yo-!" I try to scream but the rest gets muffled by someone clasping their hand against my mouth. Dark's smirk seemed to grow wider as his blood red eyes gleamed and shone with anger and excitement. 

"Lights out Jackaboy." I hear an all to familiar voice speak. Anti's thick Irish accent pierces my ears but pain takes over as something is smashed into the side of my head. My legs buckled underneath me and I collapsed to the floor. The last thing I heard was hysterical evil laughter before I was swallowed up by darkness. 


A/N: Hey! I'm going to apologise for a short chapter and for forgetting to upload on Monday! I was busy both Monday and Tuesday so I couldn't get it out but heres the chapter that I meant to upload on Monday. Hopefully I will get chapter 6 out on Friday if I don't forget so yeah! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I'll see you in the next chapter, buh-bye!

--Gabster <3

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