Chapter 10

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Chase's POV

1 week later

"We have exactly 1 week until Battle of the Bands!" Said Annie.

"I know! Next Saturday!" Claire said. "What are we all going to wear?"

"We should all wear black and white," I said.

"What?" Jack asked. "Sorry, I wasn't listening.

"Me neither," Maddie said. They were busy staring into each other's eyes.

"We're wearing black and white," Russ said.

"Guys should wear jeans, a black button down shirt, a white tie, and boots," Claire suggested.

"Girls should all go shopping and get something!" Said Annie.

We all smiled and grabbed our purses.

"We'll go too!" Russ said.

"Can I call Cade and ask if he wants to go?" Annie asked.

"Yeah sure, well, let's go!" I said


At the mall

We went to a lot of stores. We finally all found an outfit we all liked.

I got some sparkly black high-waisted shorts and a white tube top with a black trim with black glittery pumps.

Claire got a peplum tube top that was black with some black semi sparkly skinny jeans and black wedges.

Annie purchased a short black mini dress with a white belt and white high-heels.

Maddie bought white skinny jeans and a white tank top with black shoes and a belt.

When we were done we walked around the mall with our babes.

We passed this group of guys that looked our age.

"Dang! You girls are hot!" They yelled at us.

One of them grabbed my hair. The others tried to grab our arms and kiss us.

"Oh heck no!" Maddie yelled as one of them stopped her and grabbed her hair.

The boys were getting us Starbucks and went they came and saw this...

Jack tapped the guy on the shoulder and when he turned around he punched him in the face.

Russ went strait up and tackled the guy and started punching him.

Cade kicked the guy in the side and he ran away crying.

Avery took a few kicks until he was on the ground. The guy that got Claire pushed her down and started kissing her as she tried to fight back. Then Avery did something that no one thought he would do.

He stood up and picked him up by the hair and threw him against the wall. He punched him multiple times in the face until his nose bled.

"Never touch these girls again! Got it?!" He yelled.

They ran off crying and we all went home.


Me and Russ got to my house and were greeted by my mom. Oh yeah, she got home the other day.

"Hey kids! How was the mall?" My mom asked.

"Good," I said.

"Okay, well, dinner is on the table. I made y'all's favorite dinner."

"Thanks mom!"

We ate dinner. It was spaghetti with garlic sauce.

"I have to work the graveyard shift tonight. I love y'all bunches!"

She started walking out the door. "Oh, Russell, your mom called. You should call her back."

She walked out the door. We stared at the phone.

"Todd." Russ said and walked over to the phone.

He dialed the number and on the third ring his mom answered.



"Oh Russ! I'm so glad you called! I have to tell you something!"

He sat down, "Yes?"

"Todd is healed! He's cancer free! were coming home in a month!"

"What! Are you serious! Oh my gosh! This is great!"

"What?" I said.

"Shh!" He said to me.

"Yes! We're coming home in a month! We'll see you soon honey!"

"Bye mom! I love you! Tell Todd we say hi!"

He hung up the phone. And squealed. Wow!

"What is it Russ?"

"Todd is cancer free! He's healed!"

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing!"

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He kissed me back and wrapped me in his arms.

I called my mom and told her the great news.

We got ready for bed and climbed in my bed. He put his arm over my waist and I cuddled next to him. He kissed me on the cheek.


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