Christmas Tree

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I couldn't think of a name for a Christmas tree place so I named it Pond's Pines and then of course I had to make the owners Amy and Rory from Doctor Who :)

Sam zipped up his jacket and drew his comb threw his hair one last time before heading out the door. He secured the door of the bunker behind him and walked to the impala where Dean and Cas were waiting. "We also need to get some ornaments and an angel for the tree." Said Dean. Castiel cocked his head, "An angel?" He asked confused. "Yeah, people put angels on the top of their trees for christmas to celebrate." Dean explained. "But why an angel? Christmas is about peace and angels are wrathful." "Because angels top."  Dean winked. Cas blushed. 

He had met the Winchesters many years ago but this was their first real Christmas all together. It was also their first Christmas as a couple. He was trying to learn more about the holiday, even though the brothers given up trying to teach him about it. He was a difficult learner. 

Sam slid into the seat behind Cas and closed the door behind him. "Alright!" Dean cheered, putting the keys into the ignition. "Lets go get ourselves a Christmas tree." He smiled over at Cas. He smiled back and a pink powder spread across his cheeks. He loved seeing Dean smile. 

After a ten minute drive, they pulled up at Pond's Pines. Dean got out of the car and walked over the Cas' side to open his door like a gentleman. Sam just rolled his eyes and got out himself. He was happy they got together, but he still liked to tease them. Dean took Castiels hand in his and the three of them walked to the gate where a redhead girl dressed in a uniform with the logo on it was standing.

 "Welcome! Can I help you?" Her name tag named Amy, and under her name read, Owner. "Hi, we're looking for a tree." Said Dean. "Okay, how tall?" The owner asked. "About that tall." Dean pointed at his tall brother. She laughed and motioned to them to follow her. She lead them to a row of pine trees in the center of all the others. "These are our tallest." She said. "Thank you." Sam smiled. She nodded and walked off. 

"Okay. Whi-" Dean looked around for Cas and saw him on the other end of the line of trees standing in front of a rather dainty looking one. Cas turned his head toward them with a wide smile on his face. Dean turned toward Sam, "I guess we found our tree." The tree was shorter than Cas was, and had lost a lot of branches, but they decided to get it anyway. Cas was so happy, they couldn't not get it. The second owner whos name tag read, Rory, came and tied the tree onto the roof of the impala. 

They paid and drove back to their base. Sam and Dean cut the ties that held the tree onto the car and carried it inside with Cas tagging along. They picked the place for the tree, next to the stairs coming down from the door. Right after they placed it,  they went to get the box of ornaments from the car they had purchased along with the tree. 

When they got back, they played how the grinch stole Christmas and Sam made eggnog, after a brief argument with Dean about whether or not to mix it with alcohol. "We need the angel." Cas noticed the bare top of the tree. 

"Yes, we do." Dean handed Cas a cup of eggnog and wrapped his arms around him from behind. Cas wiggled free only to put the angel on the tree and went straight back to the safety of Deans arms. The entire tree was decorated with ornaments, lights, and tinsel. 

Sam was flipping through the channels to find a cheesy Hallmark movie; Dean grabbed a chair and pulled it over in front of the tree. He placed his eggnog on the floor and sat down. Cas looked over; Dean grabbed his hand and pulled him onto his lap. "Merry Christmas Dean." Cas smiled. "Merry Christmas Angel." Said Dean and kissed him lightly on the lips. Sam came over and they all admired their new Christmas tree.

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