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  The edit above is by queenxdark on youtube, and I've just been really liking it because I love all the characters, but idk, Sam just is my favorite and since this is all destiel I thought to put a little Sam in here would be good, plus it shows how much of a tortured soul he is and I just love him so much :3

Sams' forehead was dripping with sweat after hauling a 15-inch tv into Dean and Cas's room. "Thanks, Sammy," Dean mumbled, patting his brother on the back. Dean walked into his room to see his boyfriend grabbing the remote and immediately logging into their shared Netflix account. He was in bed wearing Deans ACDC shirt and black pajama pants, his hair all in a mess and his face scruffy from not shaving for a couple weeks, only because Dean said he liked the peach fuzz. 

  The smile Cas gave him when he walked into their room gave Dean a warm, tingly feeling. "Hey, gorgeous." He walked over to where Cas was lying and kissed him on the forehead. Dean grabbed some pj's from the dresser and changed in the bathroom next door. They were very close and have grown inseparable, and they respected each other's privacy. They even had their own dressers and their own sides of the bathroom. Anywhere else, however, they always wanted to be exactly where the other one was. 

  Dean walked back in with just his plaid pajama pants on and crawled under the covers next to Cas. The Wire was playing on the new tv, Cas's favorite show. Just like a reflex, right when Dean got into bed, he was draped in Cas's arms with his head resting on his bare chest. Their feet tangled together and Dean wrapped his own arms around his angel to hold him closer and ran his fingers through his hair, every so often taking a strand of hair and twirling it around his finger. Cas listened to the beat of Deans heart and watched his broad chest rise up and fall back down every time he breathed. He was in love with that. He was in love with everything about him. He was in love with his mesmerizing green eyes and the look they would give him and only him, his strong arms that would hold him and make him feel safe, his hands that would take his as they walked, everything. To him, he was flawless. and Dean felt the exact same way. 

  They lay together in a comfortable silence, with only the sound of the tv in a room gradually getting darker and darker as time passed. They felt the weight of something at the end of the bed, and a small, furry tail appeared from the dark. Bee, their new kitten purred and walked in circles looking for a place to settle down. Dean and Cas made a small space between them and Bee snuggled right in that space. 

  It was around midnight, and Cas turned the tv off and listened to the noises of Dean breathing and their kitten purring. "I love you Castiel." Deans voice was so soft he almost didn't hear what he had said. He loved it when Dean used his full name. "I love you too Dean Winchester." He answered, giving a kiss to both his boyfriend and Bee.

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