Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Calm down, Lexi.

I was clenching my paintbrush in anger, not being able to handle the tiny, discreet message that was written on my walls.

You're going to be okay.

But as always, the rational voice in my head was the quietest, and the annoyance burned inside me. Because I had gotten used to those red words splattered on my walls, but I hadn't ever known about the black words on the letters.

They were even more hurtful than the terms "slut", "pig" and "ugly".

I tried to desperately paint the sky blue over the writing, but I was shaking so hard that I managed to splatter paint onto my cheek, which I quickly rubbed off. Because the graffiti wasn't just from the Populars - oh no, it was in at least forty different handwritings, each with a different tone of voice and a different insult. How Levi managed to get all of these people into my room, I would never know, but as I was repainting my walls and having a room-makeover, I noticed this for the first time. And everything was starting to rush back to me, and I was basically on the verge of tears.

Because how would anything change anyone's opinions on me?

How would I ever be able to get out of this state if all of these things kept popping up at me?

How would everything stop just like that?

Biting my lip, I dipped my paintbrush back into the bucket of paint, and then instead of doing my usual silky movements I stabbed the colour over the words with so much force half of my bristles bent, and I kept doing layer after layer over those sentences, calling me all sorts of horrible things.

Lol you're so stupid! Lol yolo! Lol!

why do you bother coming to school?

You can obviously never live up to your brother, I mean, he's the most amazing guy in this school. You're so ridiculous!

But then I bent down to the next section of the wall, which was covered in the red word "dumbass" and then I saw a familiar handwriting.

Levi's handwriting.

Holy crap.

Haha, you found this! Wow, not such an idiot after all, are you, Lexi-Loo-Loo? aww, you're crying, you pathetic little pig, well, don't expect me to feel sorry for you. please go die. you piss me off so much. Love, Levi xxxxxxxxxxx

I wanted to scream and shout and cry and go into self-destruction mode. I wanted to kill something, I wanted to deport everyone to Yemen, and I wanted to move to Pluto. Just the way he wrote it was so insanely horrible and patronizing, and the kisses at the end just made every single moment of my life before public school fake. Because we had once been best friends. We had once talked to each other about everything; we had once always been there for each other. But it was all being torn apart and now he didn't need me. I didn't want him. I was just spoiling his entire popular life. He'd rather I had never existed, he'd rather all of those memories of going camping and making forts out of cushions never happened.

Because however horrible he was to me, he was still my twin brother.

And why did he feel the need to say all of this shit to me? Why did he feel the need to tell everyone all the bad things about me? Why did he keep going at me, why did he never give up? Why?

Some things were better left unsaid.

Everyone said that your family would always come to you if everything was crumbling into dust, but what if your family was part of the problem?

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