Chapter 18

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It's Caleb.

"You made it!" I yell, running up to him. I throw my arms around his neck and try to ignore all of the people staring at us. Nobody's talking.

When he doesn't hug me back, I pull away and look up at him. His expression shows that he's confused and angry. "You're marrying this guy Tris?" he says. "I thought you were better than that!"

"What are you talking about, Caleb? I'm marrying him because I love him, and if you got to know him, you would see that he is one of the best people in the world."

A few "Awwwwww"s come from the crowd gathered in our living room. They're obviously coming from the girls, Christina in particular.

"I know you love him, Tris, and I get that he's a great guy, but you're only 16!"

"17," I correct him.

"17," he agrees. "You're still young. Don't you think that it would just be better to wait a little while until you're older?"

"That's what I thought at first," I say. "Until we both decided that we need to be something more than boyfriend and girlfriend. And if you're not happy with our decision, then you can just leave, Caleb."

He sighs. He stares into my eyes, like he's trying to figure out why I'm doing this, and I stare back. "Mom and Dad would want me to protect you, right?" he says.

"Yes," I mumble.

"And don't you think that maybe I'm telling you to wait off on the wedding to protect you?"

"Yes, but-"

He interrupts me. "Then I don't understand why you don't understand!"

"Look Caleb," Tobias says. "I love Tris, and I would never hurt her. I would protect her with my life. If there's anything that I need to do to prove that to you, then I'll do it. But you don't have to be at her side every step of the way. I'm sure she loves having a brother like you, but you need to grasp that you can't control her life. Only yours."

Caleb seems calmer now. "Is this true, Tris?" he asks.

"Every part if it," I say.

"Then," he pauses. "I couldn't be happier for you two."

The tension in the room drops and celebration mode is back on. I run up and hug Caleb, and this time, he hugs me back.

"Can you stay?" I ask him, although I already know what his answer is.

"Unfortunately, no," he says. "Sorry, but I just have something to do real quick. But I'll be sure to visit another time so that we can catch up!"

"Okay," I say.

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