I Believe In Ghosts

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Samantha's pov

I was playing in the woods when daddy smilingly walked over. "Daddy!" I cry. He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm not your dad. I'm your dad's brother." Huh? "But you look like my daddy." I say, confused. "Sam, do you know what twins are?" "Yeah. My friend Jenny is a twin with her sister Carly Anne. And they look exactly alike too." He smiles. "I'm your daddy's twin. My name's Mason." "Where have you been?" He looks up at the sky. "I know you're a church girl. I've been in heaven." My eyes get big. "Only you can see me. So don't tell anyone." "Wait a sec, you only go to heaven if..... Uncle Mason, are you dead?" He nods. "Don't tell." He says again.

Jason's pov

Samantha comes back inside from playing in the woods. She smiles really big and climbs up on the couch. "What's got you so happy?" I ask. Her eyes go wide and she giggles. "I can't tell. It's a secret." " a secret? With who?" "I can't tell you daddy." "Silly girl." I say, shaking my head. Miranda calls us for dinner.


I put Samantha to bed. "Daddy?" She whispers. "What is it sweetie?" I ask tiredly running a hand through my hair. "Do you have a brother?" She asks, staring at the ceiling. I stare at her shocked and confused. I never told her anything about Mason! "W-Why do you ask?" I nervously say. "I wanna see if it's true." "See if what's true?" I ask, sitting down beside her bed. "I can't tell you daddy. It's a secret." "Was somebody talking to you in the woods? A stranger?!" "Not a stranger. Your brother. Uncle Mason." My hands freeze. "H-How... Who... Who told you that name?" "He did of course!" She says laughing. I shakily stand up. "He told you?! H-How did he tell you?" She shrugs. "He just did. He said he lived in Heaven and wanted to say hi to me." I remember reading about kids being able to see ghosts when they're little. Is my daughter seeing my dead brother's ghost?! "Are you mad at me daddy?" "Of course not, princess." I say hugging her. "Now get some sleep." I walk down to my room, my hands shaking unbearably. "M-Miranda?" "Yes? What's wrong?" "D-Did you t-tell Samantha about M-Mason?" She shakes her head. "Why? What happened?" I tell her everything and that's when it hit me. I dreamt of Mason that day aboard the Enterprise. He convinced me to go home! My little brother is still watching us. He's still here. "Are you alright, Jason?" "Is Mason a ghost?" "Well... I... I've always believed in ghosts. And he did say he's in heaven." I just thought of that right when she said it. "My little brother is okay." I shakily whisper, a tear sliding down my cheek.

*4 days later*

Miranda's pov

I meet up with Rachel and Sierra and tell them what Jason told me. "Do you believe it?" Sierra asks. I nod. "Sam knew nothing of Mason. I know it's real." Rachel starts to cry. I hug her. "I never got over losing Mason." "I thought Tully-" "No." She says instantly. "Mason was my one true love." "Even after he-" Sierra starts to ask. "Please don't mention that." I quickly cut her off. "Yes. Even after that."

Jason's pov

I took Samantha to Luke's and her and Jimmy were playing. "Hey Luke, I'm beat. I'm gonna crash for a couple hours. You got the kids?" He nods. I walk inside, physically and mentally drained. As soon as I hit the couch, I fall asleep.

*in his dream*

I don't know where I am. I walk out of the solid white room right into my brother. "MASON!" I screech shocked. He hugs me. "Is it really you... And not just my depressed mind?" I choke out, trying not to cry. "It's really me brother." We walk back in that room. I sit on the bed. "Mason I... I know... I shouldn't blame myself but I can't help it." "Jason, do you forgive me for sleeping with your wife?" My breath catches. I hadn't thought about that in five years. "I don't give a damn about that anymore. You... I just want you back by my side." "Rachel's dead inside." He whispers. "She's got no will left to live without me." I never noticed. "I stopped... Caring about anyone but my girls." I shakily whisper. "Are you.... Did you talk to Samantha in the woods?" He looks away, blushing and nods. "You've got such a beautiful little girl there, Jase." I shakily stand up. "She's only here because of you, Mason." He wipes a tear from his eye. "I'd give anything to be alive again. Then Rachel wouldn't be so upset. Who knows? We might even be married now! Is she still with Tully? I can't bring myself to visit often enough." I nod. "But I know she doesn't love him like you." I feel something hit me in the head. Mason laughs softly. "Sam's callin' you." He says then the room vanishes.

*he wakes up*

"Daddy you're awake!" She says, smiling. I pat her head. "Hey princess." Miranda was standing beside her. She smiles soflty and I drag myself up, still drained. Still exhausted, still hating myself. Mason would give anything to be alive. I hug my wife as tears form in my eyes. "I don't know where I'd be without you here with me." I shakily whisper. "I love you, Jason." She says, holding my hand. I stare into those baby blues I fell in love with so many years ago. "I love you so much Miranda. You can't even imagine."


Samantha's pov

Uncle Mason walks in my room while I was playing with my dollhouse. I know the difference now. "You're not mad that I told daddy are you?" He shakes his head. "I'm glad he knows." He says patting my head. I smile. "I need you to do something for me, sweet girl." "Ok." "I need you to tell Mrs. Rachel that uncle Mason will never stop loving her. That I want her to be happy and move on. Can you do that for me?" "Move on from what, uncle Mason?" "Never mind that honey. Just tell her that for me." "Ok. I will."

Jason's pov

I press myself against the wall. Mason's talking to Sam right now! Why can't I see him? Maybe I can only see him in my dreams. "Ok Sammy up in bed, kiddo." I shakily say walking in. The room is cold. Really cold. She climbs into bed. "I like Uncle Mason, daddy." I fight back the tears and tuck her in. "I do too, angel. He's one of the best baby brothers I could've ever known." "Daddy why are you so sad?" "Because I can't see Mason like you can. I miss him." "He's happy." She says. "Goodnight."

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