fAt girl

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Ava Roberts looked in her closet for the third time, shoving clothes hanging from hangers from one side of the closet to the other. The screech of the wire hangers scrapping along the metal bar was starting to hurt her ears. She stared at each shirt as she grabbed the corner of the bottom hem and shoved it to the side.

"No...no...no," She said frowning. Angrily she turned away from her closet and marched over to her dresser. She tore through the drawers looking for something suitable to wear for school. Something that would stop all the other kids from teasing her. Ava sighed as she found nothing in her drawers, even more frustrated than before she flopped down on her bed. She wanted to scream she was so frustrated. Suddenly there was a quiet knock on Ava's bedroom door, before she could tell whoever it was to go away, it opened.

Standing in the door frame was Ava's mother Julianne. A petite woman, tiny as a twig with a few small curves. She was wearing a light brown penicl skirt and her tan cardigan, a flashy pair of heels were in her hands. She was obviously dressed for work. Julianne dropped her heels on the floor and stepped into them, keeping herself steady with the door frame.

Her face looked up at Ava. "Why arn't you dressed yet?" Her high pitched voice asked as she tucked a strand of staright blonde hair behind her ear. Julianna was a rushed woman due to her job, rarely ever was she hope for a long periode of time. When she would she would either lock herslef away in her home office or in her bedroom to sleep.

Ava stared at her mother envy coated her eyes. She hated that her mother was so skinny and beautiful. Everything about Julianne Roberts was easy to love. Ava looked down at her pajama pants and sighed. "I can't find anything to wear."

Julianne laughed merrily and waltzed over to her daughter's closet. "But sweetheart, you have all these beautiful shirts and I know that you have jeans in your dresser, I can't understand why you would say you have nothing to wear," Ava's mother chuckled again and looked through the various shirts hanging in Ava's closet. One shirt in particular caught her eye. It was a nice shirt that she had bought Ava last year for Christmas, simple design splashed with sequins and rainbow colors. She found herself gasping in delight.

Ava looked up when she heard her mother gasp, worry flooded through Ava's veins. Had her mother found her stash? Her mind raced with the thoughts of all her possible punishments. But then Ava saw what her mother was looking at; the hideous shirt that she had received last year. The one she refused to wear ever again, it looked awful on her, and everybody knew it except her mother.

"Why don't you wear this one honey?' Julianne asked with a pleasant smile toying at her ruby lipstick colored lips. Julianne could see it now, her daughter wearing the shirt with a smile planted on her plump face. The pink would bring out the color of her cheeks ever so slightly; it would help her pale complexion. "You could wear it with a nice skirt."

Ava wanted to gag, she hated the shirt with a passion but she hated skirts even more. They didn't look good on her; they brought out the bad things in Ava's body. "Mom, I am not wearing that. I'll pick out something myself, thanks for your help," Ava lifted off her bed and shoved her mother out of her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Julianne quickly brushed off her skirt and cardigan and headed down the hallway to the front door. "Bye darling!" She called before exiting the small, two story house. She briskly walked out to her silver sedan, hoping that her attractive neighbor, Mr. Crenshaw was watching. Julianne knew perfectly well that it was wrong to tease other men when you were married, but she didn't care, the thrill of the chase and the attention was what she craved and it seemed that Martin was giving her that anymore. It couldn't hurt could it?

Ava didn't reply, she glanced at her closet again and grabbed a simple t-shirt, a blue one with a slightly lower cut neckline. She grabbed a random pair of jeans then slipped them on and headed off to get some breakfast and race to the bus stop. Ava was happy that she had gotten up early that morning to tame her unruly curls and apply her light coat of makeup; otherwise she would have been late for school, yet again. By time she got the bus stop she could see the bus rounding the corner, heading in her direction. Madison Blithe was standing in the drizzly rain holding a book over her head fearing that any second now it was going to frizz up. Ava walked over to Madison casually and smiled when she realized that Madison was doing.

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