Chapter 24

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Joe's POV

Ughh, damn it.

"Caspar why didn't you get back your phone?" I groaned and plopped back down on my bed

"You have no idea what I went through just to end that video call, and you were the one who is running away everytime I get closer to you" He winced

"Can't you remember the stuff I said? Especially the pathetic ones?" I asked worriedly

"No I didn't, I can't even hear you from all the party music" He shrugs his shoulder

"I'm screwed up, me and Gretchen were getting together again but I think I just ruined it all over again" I frown doubtfully

"Look Joe, just smoothly talk about your conversation last night later with Gretchen, I'm sure there were no such horrible things you were thinking about lastnight" He reassures

"Is dreaming to go all the way with Gretchen and murdering that Daryl guy can't get me seized?" I gave a wry lool

"Oh that is quite..." He nods

"Ughhh! I hate myself" I placed a hand ontop of my eyes and closed my eyes

"Don't say that Joe" He sits down beside me

"It's true! Everytime I have everything in place, I make one wrong move and everything collapses" I removed my hand and placed it on my forehead

"Mate, if Gretchen really is your bestfriend, she'll understand what you're going through" Caspar pointed out

"And what if she doesn't?" I gritted my teeth

"See? That's you're problem, you keep on thinking about negative things, nothing seems like it's your end" He winced

I sat up and covered my hands on both sides of my face.

"Just get out there and just have a normal conversation with her" Caspar advised

"I think you're right, I will just get out there and talk with her like a normal person" I stand up and stretched

"Now that's the Joe I know!" He cheers

I chuckled.

"Now get off my bed" I smiled and changed my face into a serious one

"Oh yeah" He stands up rapidly

"Goodluck mate!" He gives a pat on my back

"I don't need it" I grinned at him and took my phone

As soon as I left the hotelroom, I proceeded to the only cafe in the hotel.

I entered and look around to find seats.

I saw an empty sofa like bed and sat down.

Then a waitress approached me.

"Would you like to order?" She asked showing off her notepad and pen

"Uhm, maybe later but thank you" I gave a smile

"Oh okay, just give our maintenance a call if you will give your orders" She bows lightly and walks off

This cafe was different, you can order by the counter or ask it for the waitresses to order and leave the payment after.

It was a quarter to eleven.

It's okay, it's still quite early.

I played with my fingers and looked out the window.

Then finally I saw her with that guy again.

They hugged and the guy gave a kiss on her cheek before walking away.

Sighhh, the lonely life.

If I didn't saw that I would be having a good mood to even start a conversation.

My anxiety level was rising.

But I had to stay calm.

She enters the door and saw me.

She gave a smile and waved as she approached closer.

She sat down infront of me.

"Hi Joe" She rests her arms on the table

"Hey Gretchen" I gave a warm smile

She smiled back with a giggle.

"So how are you doing?" She asked

"I'm fine, how about you?" I placed my hands on the table

"Good at the moment" She answered

I swear there is an amount of awkwardness in the air.

But I'm trying to avoid in having an awkward silence right now.

Then the waitress approached us.

"Now, may I take your order?" She gave a cheerful smile and took her pen and notepad

"One cream pie, medium sized mocha frappe for the lady and  one medium sized strawberry frappe for me"  I said

"Good choice! I'll be back with your orders" She smiled and walked off

"Oh you really shouldn't have" She said sheepishly

"Oh I know how much you love cream pies" I winked

She blushed and bit her lips.

She looks adorable when she blushes and knowing the reason it was me who made her blush.

"I missed you" I mutter

"Huh?" She raised back her head

"Uhm..nothing" I looked down at my fingers

"You haven't answered my question about you, having a girlfriend though" She looks at me

"I really don't have a girlfriend" I asnwered proudly

I looked back at her warmly.

"Then why you were with Meredith Foster last year?" She crossed her arms

"We're just friends, I really hate paparazzis you know, with all the rumours that I don't know about myself" I smirked

"Oh really?" She formed a wide smile on her lips

"Yup, I struggle with them since the year I started with one million subscribers"

"Poor you" She teased

Then our orders came.

"How bout you? How's your status in life?" I asked even though it hurts me

"Uhm, good, I'm living happily alone" She shrugs her shoulders

Ohh yeah that's what I expected she's—

Wait, what?

"You're single?" I raised an eyebrow

"Yeah, ever since we.." She nods

We both did.

"But admit, you missed me" I looked at her with a playful smirk

"You never really change, aye goofball?" She winced

I laughed.

"You're lucky I love cream pie" She added as she started eating her cream pie

"Yes I'am" I smiled at her

She's not taken, I still have a chance.

I can take my princess back in my arms again.

Yayyy! Update ❤❤ what do you guys think? Happy New Year, hope y'all are okay and enjoying the stowee (story) and my last update was last year!

(Yes, I had to say that *smirks proudly*)

Love, Ashley ♡

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