Chapter 25

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Gretchen's POV

It was time for me and Daryl to check out the hotel.

I was sitting with my backpack on the floor while I was waiting for Daryl.

I missed the clinic to be honest.

Even though it was only three days, I missed my working area and all the little children.

It's glad to know that me and Joe is all good now.

But there's this weird feeling about him.

His eyes full of tenderness and love and I know it sounds strange but it makes sense.

His hair so fluffy and I know, I stopped myself from messing it.

I wished the momentum lasted longer, but Daryl came to pick me up as an hour passed.

He (Joe) didn't have a girlfriend as soon as we broke up.

All the rumours stayed as rumours.

One thing that still didn't made clear, does he still love me?

"Hey babe, let's go" Daryl took my backpack and hanged it on his shoulder

"Oh yeah" I nod and followed him back to his car

I sat on the front seat, as always while he will be the one driving.

He is a goodfriend though.

I could remember the day where it all started.

Back at college 2 years ago..

I was heading home from my last period while everybody was heading home from the football game.

The other students wanted to watch and cheer for our school's team and the teachers would allow them but ask that to Mr. Pinrow, my mathematics professor, he would just repeat on nodding a 'no'.

He didn't liked sports and never will.

I was walking home by myself since Penpen left earlier because of a family gathering.

As I was to cross the street, there was no stoplight and traffic officer to tell the cars when to stop and go.

So ofcourse, I waited until there was no sight of cars.

Then I walked.

But I heard a beeping of a fast running motorbike speeding towards me.

I was in shock as if it was a flash of my life was in motion.

Then someone grabbed my tightly by my wrist and I bumped against a muscular chest of a guy.

I got a little knocked out because of the hard surface that I hit and fainted.

Then as I woke up weakily, I saw that I was in a room.

Definitely not a hospital room or my room.

It was someone's room.

I panicked for a moment and I was on bed and there was no sign of anyone around.

I quickly sat up but then the doorknob was turning.

It was a tall guy with black hair which was fixed and as he walked closer to the bed, I can say his eyes were pure brown.

He's clearly looking like a maniac, he's got to be.

"Why am I here?" I spat

"You fainted as soon as I had you in my arms yesterday" He explained until he stood infront of me

"What?" I raised an eyebrow

"You were about to get run over by a motorbike in full speed and then I pulled your wrist then you fainted, clearly, I was your superhero that saved your life" He smirk in a cheeky way

"Oh...I didn't...Thank you" I gave a shy smile

"Don't worry, it's my job to keep everyone safe under all costs" He crossed his arms

I just continue to smile at him.

"I'm Daryl Fitzgerald" He lends his hand

"Gretchen Peterson" I took his hand and we shook hands

Then our story began.

We hanged out oftenly with Penpen at the campus, we eat lunch together, go to each other's houses, buy each other milkshakes and have movie nights.

We even graduated together.

Then as he asks for another movie night at his place.

We watched Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on his bed.

We were laying beside each other as the movie played on.

Star wars was his favorite movie series of all time.

That's where things got intimate.

He held my hand and caressed it.

He moved closer to me and pecked a me a kiss on my cheek.

"Daryl?" I gasped softly

"Gretchen, I need to say something.." He looked into my eyes

I was silent.

"I have feelings for you Gretchen" He whispered and placed his soft lips on mine like he was inlove with me

His kiss was passionate and perfect.

That was my first made out session with him.

Back to the present...

Things still didn't went very clear to the both of us.

He let me meet his parents and they were nice to be homest, their family was a filthy rich family but they were generous.

No matter why Daryl has that too.

But in what we have seemed wrong.

The voices in my head keeps on telling me that we should just remain in being bestfriends.

But he wants more than that.

He became a little more mature and possesive.

I still owe him my life.

He placed a hand on mine and entwined our fingers together.

I smiled tiredly at him.

He gave a brighter smile and it made me giggle.

Then he puts his focus back on the road.

I rested my back on the car seat and looked out the window.

I still need to think about the future.

And I still hope for the best.

As we arrive back to my home, he stayed for a while and said that he needs to go back home because his parents need to tell something important to him.

I walked him by the frontdoor.

"Bye Daryl" I sighed softly

"See you again babe" He pecks a kiss on my lips and starts walking away

Then he drove his car away.

To be honest, he didn't asked for my hand.

Things are sort of complicated but we both treat it like it's casual.

It's normal for the both of us to hang out and sleep on one bed.

It's normal that we flirt.

It's normal that he calls me babe.

I just got to stick to that.


I know crappy chapter because it indicates how complicated Gretchen's relationship status with Daryl.

Kind of fucked up.

But it will all turn out okay in the end. :) I assure you of that

~Ashley, just Ashley xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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