{Chapter 12: "Leave You Mangled..."}

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Matt's POV

I've begun to appreciate this blackness that I'm forced into over and over again.

At least here nothing could hurt me. Here, there was only emptiness, darkness and quiet. I was at peace and not afraid. It was waking up that I didn't like. But this time, it was different.

I didn't wake up on my own this time. I was woken up by a loud ringing in my ear. It sounded like an old fashioned telephone.

The sound was coming from my right so I assumed, since I was still blindfolded, that the phone was resting on the floor next to me.

I slowly raised my head up trying to shake away the feeling of grogginess as I heard footsteps coming from my left.

Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder and I stiffened at the touch. I tried to jerk forward so I could free my shoulder, but the hand just gripped tighter and slowly pulled me back against the chair, preventing me from squirming around. I sat there shivering in fear as I felt 'Nate's' chest against my head, his heart beating steadily as mine raced with terror.

Then I felt something cold and smooth touch my ear as the ringing stopped mid chime. Based on the feeling, I deduced that it must be the phone receiver.

"Hello, hello?" a voice crackled from the phone, full of static and popping sounds like on an old radio broadcast from the 50's. "Ok, listen: I have no idea where you are or how you got there. What I do know is that that guy you were seen was last night...he's bad news."

"Oh god." I though to myself. "Please let this person be able to find me!"

"W-Well some good news!" he continued. "If you're hearing this, chances are you're still alive. Look, just stay calm and, if you can, avoid him at all costs. Do your best to hold out until morning...please just...stay alive."

Loud music, which I realized was Nate's song 'Mangled', began blasting all around the room as I felt the phone and hand move away from me. I almost wished it was still there, then at least I'd know where he was.

"If you're looking for something to call me Matthew," his voice whispered next to me against my ear, making me jump at the sudden closeness of his face to me. "please, call me 'Natemare.' After all, I think it seems fitting considering the circumstances."

Natemare chuckled as he said this, truly enjoying himself as the song kept playing. I felt him running his hands all over my body as I sat paralyzed with fright. He ran his hand through my hair, fluffing it a bit before roughly pulling it towards him, making me grunt in pain into the gag.

"Oh, by the way," Natemare said as he quickly grabbed my throat in his hand, cutting off my airway. "don't think that phone call was real, that was all my voi- or should I say 'Nate's' voice acting talent. No one has any idea how much danger you're in right now. All your fans think is that we filmed a scary Halloween video together!"

I felt my oxygen depleting as I struggled to try to breathe. His hand only got tighter, keeping my throat in his vice grip.

"Your wife called here too Matthew," he chided to me. "She was soooo worried about you when you didn't come home the other night."

"Steph!" I thought to myself in a panic, my head feeling dizzy from the lack of air. "Oh my god she must be so upset!"

He laughed again as he released my throat, allowing me to gasp in big breaths of air through my nose and gagged mouth.

"I played my part well though," he bragged as he went back to running his hands all over me again. "Oh, 'I'm sorry Steph, I have NO IDEA where Matt could be! He left my house AGES ago, shouldn't he have been home by now?' Hahahaha! So gullible."

I grunted in anger into the rag as I tried to lunge in the direction of his voice, but Natemare easily just shoved me back against the chair again. I felt him move to the back of me as he gripped my arms, digging his nails into my skin as I screamed out in pain into the gag.

"Playing with you is so much fun Matthew." he began, before I heard him start the music over from the beginning. "Your emotions are so easily manipulated and your reactions to what I say and do are just perfect...but we have a video to shoot. We can't keep our 'fans' waiting!"

Hello Mystical Creatures!

Happy New Year 2017 everyone! I hope you all had a nice holiday!

Kind of a late post today due to me taking my sister shopping with her gift card she got for Christmas, lol!

What did you all think of the chapter!? I wanted to write more, but it got waaaay too long so I divided it in half.

Mason is giving in to his evil side more and more, but what about Nate? Do you think he'll ever be able to take control again and save Matt? Let me know in the comments!

Also, really cool news.....FOREVER MANGLED HIT 1,000 READS THE OTHER DAY!!! OMG THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!!

I don't know what else to say at this point except thank you so much for all your support in my book and for reading it each week! I'm so very happy you're all enjoying it so much and that people look forward to my posts.

I can't wait for you all to read the next chapter, so look out for it on Monday as usual!

Stay 'Magical' my Mystical Creatures!

~ Elenora ~ Forever_In_A_Fantasy ~

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