Chapter 1: Little Black Dress

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The tight lace and the cut out back was almost too much for the seventeen year-old to handle. She never dressed like this. Was it her sister that was rubbing off on her or the boyfriend? Whomever it was, it began to scare her. She knew that her father would never let her or Anna step out of the flat wearing what the elder sibling considered to be clothes. She looked once more into the mirror, wondering how Anna got the beauty in the family. Anna took after their once-upon-a-time model mother. Amber looked like her father, the same dainty crooked nose and ears that sometimes just annoyed her.

"Amber! We're going to be late... and people say I hog the mirror!" Anna called up the corridor. She sauntered into Amber's dormitory and leaned against the doorframe. As usual, her auburn brown hair was perfect, makeup flawless, and the snug dark pencil skirt and short top that cut deep down the center framed her petite body.

"Pap isn't going to come back to the flat until late, Amber. He always does. You can let your hair down and put away the plaid skirt for once!" she humphed and turned on her high heel to leave to the cab awaiting the sisters.

"Easy for you to say. You always looks absolutely brilliant." Amber muttered under her breath, for fear if Anna heard it, her ego would explode.

The cab ride was fairly short for The Pavilion wasn't far. When Amber stepped out of the cab, she immediately took in the hanging lanterns and Greek polished columns. The marble steps and fountains completed the whimsical feel, making The Pavilion one of her favorite places in London. Anna made straightaway to the bar, possibly to chat with the attractive young men there, or to have a beer. Amber just hoped that Anna wouldn't get completely laggered after the drinks that she was ordering.

A pair of warm, smooth hands covered Amber's face, causing her to inhale sharply, the aroma of baked bread and cheese filling her nostrils.

"John, get your hands of my face so I can turn around and give you a snog!" Amber teased her boyfriend. John let his eyes wander down her body slowly.

"You look bloody amazing! Not as fit as your sister, but still sexy." he remarked. Amber tried not to let the sister comment bother her. He's made it many times before, claiming he was teasing. Anna wouldn't give John a sideways glance anyway so that made Amber feel slightly better. Amber always found John's British accent adorable. She wished she had an accent too. She may have lived in London for the past seven years of her life but she never picked up the accent, only the lingo, same as Anna. John gently placed a drink into into her hand. She sniffed it, the tangy fruity sourness making it no doubt there was alcohol in it. She placed it back on a server's tray.

As the night went on, there was dancing and she felt as if her feet would fall off. John came back from the refreshments table and sat next to her and her achy feet. A giggly dark haired girl kept glancing in their direction, her dress hard too look at because it reflected all the light off the sparkles sewn in. Amber leaned over to John, putting her hand on his. He figeted slightly.

"I think you have an admirer." she remarked, slightly bothered, but managed to keep her tone light. He turned to face her, the seriousness of his eyes taking her aback.

"We need to talk." was all he said and led her to the side of the gleaming stairs. It was a beautiful night, the stars out and bright. The only odd part that ruined the moment was John's tone.

"You know how we got together... and it was after you were there for me and helped me out with my previous girlfriends...." he looked questioningly at her. She nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"Well, I've only realized that I asked you out because you helped me and not because I had strong feelings. That girl there, she made me realize that you were my support but never my love. I am truly grateful for you and I want the best, but I just think that we won't work out." he finished, his sadness evident in his voice, but it never reached his eyes. They remained mysterious and dark. Amber gazed into them, sometimes the image shifting out of focus because of the newfound tears that made their way to her eyes. How long had he just played along like he loved her and never really did? How long ago did he realize they weren't meant to be? He never even bothered to tell her sooner either. He just kept her in the shadows to keep assuming that he felt the same.

"So you wait till the night before I leave to New York to tell me this!" her voice wavered.

"You know how much I hate that place! You were the only one that kept me sane for the two months there. I always loved our video chats, looked forward to the sweet messages of I miss you. and I'm waiting for you. The least you could have done is tell me sooner and not play me like I'm some instrument!"

He looked at her, the dark eyes becoming even darker.

"I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how." he said, a feeble excuse. 

"So how long did you pretend that our bloody relationship was real? You know what, don't answer because I know that you don't even care about me or my feelings in this. Go have fun with Sparkles." Amber spat and made her way to find her sister. Anna was leaning against the bar, talking to some tall man. She glanced over at her sister and saw her expression. Anna left the bar quickly, surprising the poor lad who thought he had a chance.

"Tell me in the cab. We are heading back to the flat." Anna ordered and hailed the yellow vehicle. Amber spilled the whole story, finally letting the tears show. Luckily, Anna only had a few drinks that eventually wore off so she sober during the ride home. Anna wiped away the tear stains and mascara smears.

"Sh, Sh. When we get to New York we will go shopping in all those adorable American department stores!" she comforted. When the cab dropped them at their address, a blue vehicle was already parked in the lot. It was their father's.

"He wasn't supposed to come back till 12!" Anna almost yelled. Bloody hell. 


Hey everyone! To the right is a photo of Anna Brooke. The similarities between the photos of the two siblings are amazing! I am jealous of their gorgeous auburn hair. I am trying to update as soon as possible. Thanks to all the readers! Don't worry, Dylan and New York is coming soon! This chapter is dedicated to @twifran17 because she gave me my first vote and was one of my first readers! ily!

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