Chapter 4: Sign of a Stalker

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Blue. They were staring right back at her, come concern laced in but mostly amusement at her reaction. Amber faltered in her words.

"You.. in my dream. You're... eyes..." she stuttered. He burst out laughing, the crulean of his eyes momentarily covered by some brown hair that seemed sometimes light, sometimes dark.

"Dreaming about me, huh? I think that's the sign of a stalker." he remarked and continued laughing. Amber managed to tear her eyes away from the boy and back over the ledge. She didn't see the book anywhere. She was upset, even with the incredibly attractive boy within three feet of her. He seemed to be looking at her with some confusion for what was so important about a cheesy romance novel that she was almost half-way through anyway? Okay, the truth is that she lied. It wasn't just a cliche' story of love. It was her parents' love story, before the evil spell was cast and they separated paths forever.

She remembered when she found it, tucked away in the bottom of a box she was asked to clean out. The note written inside the cover still made her wonder if love was truly real.

Alli, remember when we met, you were reading this book. I fell in love with you that same day. Was it the book writing our fate for us? This cliche' love story is our story and I can't wait to see what happens after the ending. Please let me, actually let us, continue writing our story together. Love... Daniel.

Blinking her eyes, the image focused back on the crowded street wafting with the smell of hot dogs and smog. How was she to locate the book in that New York mess? Turning swftly on her heel, she pushed her way past the good-looking (she meant annoying), boy.

"Hey. Nice to meet you too Princess." he called after her and she rolled her eyes. Taking the lift down, she exited the lobby and began to search the sidewalk. As she walked around the short concrete way, she saw the crying kids, the flashing colors. She felt eyes on her back as she walked. She glanced up quickly at the very rooftop that the book toppled from. No one was there. Shaking her head, she headed back up to the grand flat. Anna was in the kitchen, making smoothies.

"Mom had to rush out... again. Some big meeting with executive something or anothers. So... it's our shopping day!!!" she exclaimed, clearly excited.

The mall was enormous. After dashing in and out of what seemed like hundreds of department stores, Anna finally gave into lunch. Amber went to save a table in the cafeteria while Anna stayed in line for crepes. As Amber settled down into the cold metal chair, she saw Anna chatting up one of the many young men in the mall.

"Hey Princess." came a voice from in front of her. She cringed at the sound and turned slowly in her chair.

"I'm beginning to think you're the stalker." she remarked. He just smirked.

"Right, because you just happened to be in the same place I am. Princess, I live here." he replied while popping a fry into his mouth. She rolled her eyes and went to stand up to move to another table.

"Don't leave." he said, making her pause.

"You made me lose my book and I have to go meet my sister." she stated clearly.

"Fine. But meet me back on the roof at 7."

Amber had so many thoughts running through her mind. What if he is some phsyco killer who wants to kidnap her? What if he pushed her off the roof? What if...

"Princess, if I were to kill you, I would've let you fall off that ledge this morning. If I were to kidnap you, I would've taken you at that time too." he answered to her unsaid questions. Amber glared and moved to stand but he beat her to it. He left abruptly, not even bothering to push back in the chair. Anna slid into the seat that was just occupied seconds before.

"Who was that?" she questioned as she passed her sister the folded meal.

"How am I supposed to know?" Amber answered. Anna had an incredulous look on her face.

"Amber, he was good-looking. When a handsome boy talks to you, you talk to them and ask their name and number! Have I taught you nothing?" Amber laughed as her sister recited this.

"Don't worry Anna. I don't think he has that in mind."


Should she? No, he's a total stranger. C'mon Amber. You're curious. Just do it. No, better to stay in and watch a movie. Yeah, a cartoon or something. Just go onto that roof! Ugh, I hate you conscience.

The familiar ladder felt warmer than it was that morning when she touched it. When she placed her feet on the flat part of the roof, she saw no one. As soon as she was going back down his voice called out.

"Wait Princess." She turned and saw him, his blue eyes even brighter than before.

"You came." he stated as if it wasn't obvious. Amber nodded and began,

"So..."  He seemed to remember where and why he was there.

"Here. Sorry about your book." He handed her a small package, wrapped in newspaper. She hesitantly took it in her hands, the light gift resting on her palm before she closed her fingers around it.

"Oh, the name's Dylan. Come here tomorrow morning, like nine. I'm going to show you something." he invited, the glint of mystery still evident in his bright blue eyes.

"I just met you." she pointed out. "You'll just have to figure out if you trust me or not." Dylan smirked and vanished. Amber got that feeling, that bubbling in her stomach that made her smile. It was excitement.


He bought her a gift!!! I wonder what it is... Isn't he sweet even when he is kind of annoying? Awwww, well I love Colin Ford so his picture/gif (Dylan) is to the right! Thanks. Amber will love the present. And people say that chivalry is dead! Hmmph! Sooo not true.

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