Chapter 6: Starts With an A

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The wind whipped around her and she thought about her last seconds of life and her foolish mistakes. This boy was suicidal and needed someone to die with so that he wouldn't feel alone in his last moments. Why her? Then her feet hit something hard. Wait, what?

"You can stop hyperventilating Princess." she could picture the smirk on his cute face that will soon be erased by a few angry words.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Just let us fall to our near deaths? I thought you were suicidal or something! If you think I'm going anywhere else with you then you are absolutely mistaken." she ranted, looking above her for a way back. Dylan was doubled over either in pain from her words or laughing hysterically. Amber chose the latter.

"Prin, haha, Princess. I did take your breath away. You never agreed on how." he pointed out, ready to recieve the first hint. She stared ridiculously at him.

"If you think you're getting an answer because you nearly killed me then I..." she was interrupted by him just squeezing her hand slightly. Oh right. They were still holding hands.

"Fine. I'll wait. But we should really get off this ledge before people start staring. C'mon." He pulled her to a metal balcony and pushed open the gate that rattled because of a rusted padlock that hung loosely around it. A small flowerpot sat in the corner where a dainty stem sprouting scarlet petals was growing. Amber smiled slightly at this and then followed Dylan down the rickety stairs.

"Where are we going?" Amber wondered aloud. Dylan turned to her and smiled.

"To the subway." Amber nodded uncertainly and prayed she wouldn't be abandoned or kidnapped.

"Okay, grab my hand." Dylan instructed.

"Sorry but I'm okay. I barely know you as it is. You're really sweet and all but I'm not ready for that yet. Once a day is enough for barely friends." Dylan looked really confused. Then he smiled as wide the ocean.

"No, not like that. You need to hold onto me so you don't get pushed and shoved and lost in the New York crowd. But I am flattered you are considering that in our relationship." he teased and Amber blushed scarlet. Of course not like that Amber! Just keep your mouth shut! She slipped her fingers into his and squeezed gently, not saying a word.

The subway was crowded to say the least. Filled with "I love New York"  shirts and hats and people with tattos along with those occasional suit and ties. The low rumbling of the underground train and the chatter of the people only made the space seem smaller. A large man with a baggy jacket and stained jeans was the last passenger to come aboard the oh so spacious vehicle. Dylan spotted him and his eyes went wide. He ducked his head a little lower and tightened his hold onto the slender hand encased in his.

"What's wrong?" Amber whispered, looking uneasily at the man.

"Don't look at him and don't look at me. Focus out the subway window and we are getting off at the next stop.

Being able to move comfortably and actually breath again was a relief.

"Okay, so tell me what all that myterious creepy man crap was." Amber demanded.

"Wait, are you a part of some gang or something? Are you a juvenile delinquent?!" Amber raised her voice higher and higher every word, like her rising fear and doubt.

"What, no, no! It's complicated okay? I don't have the best family past..." he trailed off, seemingly lost in thought.

"Oh, um. What's our first stop then?" Amber tried to change the subject and bring back the energetic Dylan she had barely come to know, but if you ask her, she preferred that version over the closed up case he had become moments earlier.


"Welcome to the best little place to view the Empire State Building." Dylan flourished his hand widely. Immediately, the outlines of buildings and a river in the distance cane into view. But what really stood center was the large steel structure that loomed before them. The sun was right behind it, casting a beautiful shadow next to them. Rays emanated from the sides, casting a glow around the architecture. Amber immediately took in a breath.

"Hint number one: It starts with an A." Amber told without facing Dylan. She had to take in the beauty first.

"Ashley? Avery? Amanda? Amy? Allison? Alice? Anna? April? Abigail? Abbi? Alexis? Alex? Amelia? Audrey? Adriana? Ariel? Wait... let me catch my breath for a second. Am I allowed to Google?" he questioned, reaching for his phone. She shook her head.

"Nope!" She popped the p. He pouted and started to list off more names.

"You know what? I'm going to stop for the day because it's summer and my brain is fried. Do you know how weird that sounds?! I'm not even in school and I'm thinking too hard!" He teased.

"You are definitely a mystery Princess. I can give you that." There was silence, but strangely, it was comfortable. 

"You know, I've heard some tourists compare this with the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I think Paris is much more... romantic." he finished, glancing over at Amber to see if she was listening. She gave him a nod.

"Doesn't mean this isn't magical." she replied and finally turned to face him.

"Are we taking the subway back?" she inquired and slid out her phone from her pocket. He smiled and shook his head.

"Nah, I was thinking we could walk around a bit, maybe catch a taxi." he suggested and she smiled. Quickly she snapped a photo of the Empire State Building and moved towards the door leading to the stairs. Dylan muttered to himself beofre joining her.

"Starts with an a?"

Amber couldn't help but smile.


So hey everybody! This chapter is dedicated to @fandom_adri because she is one of the sweetest people i know on wattpad. The picture to the right is really cute and I just thought it summed up the chapter! Please keep reading! I am truly grateful for you readers.

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