Chapter 7: Dancing on the Roof

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After running all around New York and snapping pictures whenever she could, Dylan took her for lunch.

"Sorry it's not tea and crumpets." he teased while handing her a hot dog.

"That is so stereotypical." Amber rolled her eyes and retorted. He just shrugged his shoulders and patted the spot next to him on the bench. Gratefully she plopped down and gaze at the distant street dancers spinning and flipping to a constant beat.

"So what's the deal? You seriously like taking random girls all over New York? I mean you know nothing about me." Amber finally voiced a question that was building up in her mind for the last few hours. He nodded considering her statement.

"I'll take a girl all over New York if I think she is beautiful and deserves something more. She's special and needs to be reminded that." he replied while staring straight at her. She felt herself blush.

"Even if she makes me try and guess her name." he playfully shoved her shoulder and offered a hand.

"Oh, we can just forget that. It was stupid. My name is..." she began but he shook his head.

"I like this game and calling you Princess is fine with me." he smiled.

Amber's cell rang out.

"Yes Anna?" she answered, somewhat annoyed.

"Mom wants you back. She has something to tell us." then she hung up. Short and to the point. Not even a "where have you been all day" or any concern. Lovely.

"We need to get back." Amber regretfully told Dylan while pocketing her phone. She wished this day would never end. He nodded and hailed a taxi. When she was stepping out of the cab, Dylan winked.

"I'll see you on the roof Princess." Amber didn't know her feelings for Dylan clearly yet , but she knew they had something to do with the fact that she couldn't stop smiling.  


"And why do we have to go again?" Anna asked for the third time.

"Because I said so. Now go find something formal to wear for tomorrow night." Alli ordered and stalked away, her heels clanking on the marble tile. Anna slunk into the plush chair in Amber's room.

"So where were you all day? With your prince that came onto the roof to take you away?" Anna murmured.

"Something like that." Amber smirked and fell back on the bed. 

"I don't know why but is it wrong that I don't want to leave New York? Even with mom being total control freak?" 

"No it's not. You're in love Amber. You're in love and you can't get out." Anna then fell asleep in the cozy chair. Amber smiled at the thought and let sleep overtake her. 

The next morning, Amber was shaken awake by her beautiful sister.

"C'mon, we need to go shopping for the dinner tonight!" Anna exclaimed and yanked the smaller sister out of bed and shoved her into the bathroom.

"Relax, I'm going." Amber mumbled sleepily.

After what seemed like fifty million stores and a few miles of walking, the sisters collapsed on a bench on the side of the street.

"Well you two look exhausted." that familiar voice that gave her butterflies interrupted their tired silence.

"You made it." Amber greeted and gave him a hug.

"Anything for you Princess, and I recall in your text that it was an emergency." he replied and held onto her.

"Well, while you guys play lovebirds, I'm going to get a drink." Anna teased and winked at Dylan. Amber shot her sister a glare.

"Relax sis, he's all yours." she laughed as she walked off to a small cafe.

"She's definitely interesting. So what is your shopping day about?" Dylan asked.

"Dinner. Fancy. Tonight." Amber explained simply.

"So you wanna wait for your sister or head around shopping." Amber turned and peered into the glass of the cafe'. Anna was there, twirling her hair around her finger and laughing with some guy.. and he was hot.

"Nah, I think she's fine." Dylan laughed as she followed her line of sight and grabbed her hand.

"Then let's go."

After about five different stores, they had no luck. Amber sat down on a bench in frustration.

"This is turning out to be hopeless." she vented. Dylan was absorbed in the performance of a few street dancers nearby. Soon, Amber was too.

"C'mon, let's keep looking, okay?" Amber stood and brushed off her jeans. Finally, at a store on the corner, almost impossible to see from the main street, she found a dress that could suffice.

"Okay, I think this one would be cute." she remarked and held it up in front of herself, looking at the image in the mirror.

"Wait, let's fix this," Dylan said and removed the huge, not to mention gaudy, flower that was pinned to the side of her shoulder. When his fingers brushed against her, Amber felt a slight shiver go through her. She decided to ignore it.

"That's better." He looked proudly at the result. It was a strapless mint colored dress. It came slightly above her knee. There were black rhinestones outlining the waist and the skirt had a slight volume to it. Amber nodded approvingly and purchased the dress.

"Thanks for helping me. I owe you one." Amber smiled and turned to the entrance of the apartment. "See you later!" Dylan called out as he walked away.

"Yeah, definitely." Amber whispered.

She got ready, straightening her auburn hair and adding a light coat of dark eye shadow and blush. After applying eyeliner and lip-gloss, she paired the dress with simple black heels. She nodded at her reflection in the mirror and texted Dylan. Meet me on the roof :) She wanted his opinion since he did after all go shopping with her. Dylan whistled and smiled.

"You look hot."

"Thank you. I still don't know why it has to be so fancy. All we're doing is eating." Amber thought aloud. Dylan began laughing.

"What?" she asked with a hand on her hip.

"There's going to be dancing too." Dylan told.

"I repeat what?" Amber repeated.

"I'll show you." He fiddled with his phone and it began playing slow a slow melody. Dylan held out his hand. She slowly took it. She liked the feeling of her hand in his. He gently pulled her towards him and placed his hand on her back. He positioned her arm parallel to his. Soon enough, they were in the proper waltzing position.

So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

"Good. Now don't look at your feet. Just follow my lead." He gently took one step and she followed. They waltzed around the rooftop, unaware of what was going on around them.

To make up, make up

I just need one last dance

All they could focus on was their partner. Amber felt like she was floating, that her feet weren't even touching the ground. She seemed lost in his eyes and he leaned in hesitantly.

Just one song, then I'll move on

Give me one last dance

Suddenly, her phone rang. Crap! She thought to herself. They detangled themselves form each other’s arms and Dylan nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thanks. And I'm Amber." Amber whispered and went down to go to the dinner. What she didn't see was Dylan's longing look after her.

"Bye Amber."


Awwwww. That was a cute moment. :) To the right are the lyrics for 'One Last Dance' by R5 which is the song they slow danced to on the roof. Thanks so much for being patient with me while I update extremely slowly.

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