Chapter 9: The Brother... and Pretty Neighbor

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"C'mon. I want you to meet some important people." Dylan tugged insistently on Amber's hand, a feeling she's grown accustomed to. Amber smiled and followed. Maybe it was his parents. Was this too forward in their relationship? Was it because they just kissed? All thoughts sprinted away when he stopped abruptly, looked cautiously around the hallway of apartment doors and made his way slowly forward. He was slightly in front of her, a gaurd against what might come barelling through any of the doors at any moment. He approached a sleek wooden door, a curved handle and reached out for it. His eyes flickered to its crumbling, peeling adjacent. The white was chipped and various dents dotted the surface. His blue eyes lingered for a moment and then averted from the mauled door to the pristine wood. He rapped his knuckles in a short peculiar tune and waited expectantly. Amber brushed off herself, trying to look presentable for his parents. She wondered what would her mother think of Dylan. The door flew open to reveal a blonde with peircing green eyes. Her mouth curved into a smirk as she laid eyes on who was waiting at the door.

"Dylan." She wrapped her arms around him and while he returned the hug, she saw Amber over his shoulder.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I'm Alexandra, but call me Alex." She smiled genuinely and hugged Amber. Too schocked to return the embrace, Amber just stood there. Dylan stood there smiling.

"She's a hugger." He commented and Amber's frown only deepened.

"Alex meet Amber." Dylan quickly introduced and beckoned for them to go inside the quaint apartment.

"You're the famous Amber. Dylan does nothing but talk about you when he's over here." Alex commented, earning a slight shove from the male. Amber couldn't wrap her head around this. When he's over here...It's okay. She's just a friend. He kissed you. She tried convincing herself, but it wasn't working.

"So you guys are..." Amber trailed off, not knowing what to say. Dylan came over and squeezed her hand.

"Best friends. She's the only person we consider family, crazy obsessions and all." Dylan plopped onto the couch, pulling Amber down next to him. Alex rolled her eyes and sat as well, her blonde hair in slight waves. She was very pretty and Amber was unsure of the 'best friends' label.

"We?" Amber caught. As if on cue, a small boy with the same brunette locks entered. His eyes were curious, his lips parted into a smile that lit up the room.

"Hey little man!" Dylan greeted and the boy smiled brighter.

"Hi. I'm Austin, Dylan's brother." He strode up to Amber pruposely, sticking out his hand for her to shake. Amber took the small, smooth hand, marveling at how firm and mature this young boy, who couldn't be more than 11, acted.

"So you're Dylan's girlfriend?" He asked suddenly, and Dylan smiled, poking the youth.

"Uh, yeah." Amber answered, though Dylan never initiated it was official.

"You don't sound sure." Alex pointed out, running her fingers through her light hair. Amber opened her mouth, then closed it, thinking of a 'right' answer. Dylan only shrugged.

"It's okay Princess, we never really made it official. So, would you like to be?" Their hands were intertwined as they both sat on the couch. Amber nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. Together they sat in a comfortable silence. Alex beamed and stood.

"Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds because I have a video to make." She brushed off her jeans and went to what Amber supposed was her room.

"Video?" she questioned her boyfriend. God, she loved that word right now. Dylan only laughed.

"She likes to make covers of songs, especially of her British boy band obsession." He explained, shaking his head slightly and then bopping to the beat that now emanated from what was Alex's room. Amber recognized the song, it being one of her favorites. She smiled and closed her eyes, turning her face into the crook of Dylan's shoulder and inhaling his faint scent of Downy lingering on his shirt. Only moments later they were interrupted of the peaceful moment by a squeal. Amber shot to her feet and turned desperately towards the sound. Dylan rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Not again." He nodded toward Austin.

"Code Psycho?" Austin inserted hopefully. Dylan smiled and agreed.

"Code Psycho." and the boy bolted to the kitchen and returned with a cup of water. Amber scrunched up her nose in confusion and followed the ecstatic boy toward where she supposed Alex was. Dylan chuckled and followed his concerned girlfirend. It dawned on Amber what Austin was about to do and she opened her mouth to object, reaching for the little one. Dylan intercepted her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Dylan, stop he's going to..." Dylan moved his hands from around her to cover her ears. Alex's scream was horrifying. Like, she could be a horror movie actress. Amber surged forward and was met with Austin on the floor having a fit of laughter while Alex's hair and face were wet. The residue water was dripping from her chin onto the fluffy rug covering her floor.

"If you were a girl then you would understand what these boys do to your hormones." Alex gestured with an arm to the collage of posters of One Direction on her wall. There was no blank space of wall anywhere. She then started to smile.

"I'm gonna get ya Aus!" The little boy scrambled to his feet and took off. As Alex passed by the couple she smiled at Dylan, muttering "Asshole." Amber cracked a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Dylan teasingly whispered in her ear.

"Just, Alex and Austin and, everything else. You have a perfect life." Dylan tensed slightly but then relaxed.

"It's only perfect because you're in it." Amber turned to kiss him when a rude knock echoed on the door. The laughter of Alex and Austin ceased and they ran to Dylan, worried looks on their face. Amber wondered who could be at the door. But whoever it was, they instilled a silent fear into everyone, worry penetrating from Dylan's cerulean orbs into her own.


Oooooh! Sorry for the cliffy and for waiting so long to update to the next chapter! I've missed Wattpad! And I'm back. :)

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