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Everything is silent. The raging battle for Minas Tirith has come to a standstill as both sides watch Sauron's tower combust outward, sending a huge plume of ash into the sky.

Just as the tides have begun to turn against Sauron's forces, fate intervenes again. The One Ring has made it back to its original master; Sauron has returned.

At first, many of the men of Gondor and Rohan believe they have won, and even begin to celebrate, but soon the enemy they battle against begins to fight back with renewed energy, taking power from their leader's ascension. 

Gandalf watches in horror from the highest level in the city of Minas Tirith; he now knows that Frodo and Sam have failed. Even if they should win on the field of battle today, Sauron will be able to raise an army larger than ever, and will bring all of Middle Earth into darkness.

"What do we do now, Gandalf?" Pippin asks next to him, looking up with worry.

"We have lost, Master Took." Gandalf replies sadly, leaning heavily against his staff.

"Is there nothing else we can do?" Pippin questions.

"No, there is nothing left that we can, Peregrine."

The eagles make an appearance, flying desperately through the ranks of the enemy and killing, though their arrival does little to comfort Gandalf. They attempt to turn the tide of the fight back in their own, but it makes a small difference; Sauron's army has grown much stronger with its master at full strength.

Gandalf watches as one eagle breaks off from its kin, flying towards Pippin and him. It lands neatly in front of them, its large, feathered wings tucked tightly against its body. The eagle stares at Gandalf with its intelligent eyes for a time, seeming as though it is conveying a message to him.

Pippin watches as Gandalf's face turns from one of despair to one of hope and desperation.

"What is it? What have you learned?" Pippin asks quickly, not yet daring to hope for good news.

His eyes are continuously dragged to the slaughter going on just below, though he does not wish to watch.  It is obvious to Pippin that they are losing sorely; their numbers are few, and they no longer have any hope of succeeding.

"They have reminded me of an old truth, one that could be our salvation." Gandalf replies mysteriously, staring off in the direction of the setting sun with a calculated look.

"What does that mean?" Pippin questions, by now used to the half answers he receives when speaking with Gandalf.

"There will never be darkness without the light, young Master Took," Gandalf says, removing his weight from against his staff and climbing up onto the eagle's broad back. "Come Peregrine, we have a battle to win."

***I would love feedback on this new idea***

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