Chapter 16: Possession

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It takes little time, an hour at most, before I begin to feel something strange.  Something evil.  I sense its presence grow as we continue on, and soon I am dreading every step I take closer to it.

"We must be close.  Whatever it meant, this must be it." I mutter to myself, not loud enough for Frodo to hear over both of our labored breaths.

"That's him!" Frodo cries out suddenly, and my attention jerks to the right.

A little distance from where we are, I can make out a small figure, roughly the same size as Frodo.

"Oh thank goodness, he's alive." I breathe.  

But then I remember the darkness said he was not feeling well.  He looks well enough to me, at least from here. Perhaps that was a lie to twist our minds.  Even so, I find myself taking caution; why would this be so easy?

"Let's go around, Frodo.  I think this may be a trick."


"He has it Frodo; he has the ring.  I can feel its power controlling him, even from here."

"Well come on then! We have to help him!" Frodo cries, jumping up.  Before he can run from our cover, I drag him back down.

"We have to be careful about this, Frodo; he is not himself."  I caution.  With the strength of the darkness, I would not be suprised if the ring was actually drawing its power from that source.  

"What do we do then?" he asks, glancing through the thinner branches of the tall bushes, currently shielding us.

"I will not be able to help you, Frodo. This is something you must do on your own." I say, trying to keep the fear out of my voice.  

I truly want nothing more than to help him, but I know it is not within my strength to ignore the temptation of the ring.  I would succumb to it eventually, and then the ring, and by extention its master, would have access to other worlds as well.  That is not something I can risk.

"But," he pauses, eyebrows furrowed with confusion, "why not?"

"I am not strong enough, little one, but you are.  You must do this."

"I don't know if I can." he says, his eyes flickering.

I laugh slightly. "Only a moment ago you were ready to run out there, what happened?" I tease. "Do not worry. I know you can."

"Alright." Frodo nods, his eyes alight with determination.  Something changes in them though, shifting his expression again. "There is something you aren't telling me."

"I am only thinking." I deflect his question, not at all keen on giving an honest answer.

"About what?  It can't be something good; you're frowning." Frodo points out.

"Yes well we are fighting for your friend's life here." I say, gesturing through the bushes to where Sam can barely be seen.

"But that's not what this is really about, is it?  You keep avoiding the real question."

I sigh. "We're wasting time here, Frodo."

"Then just answer!" he exclaims.

"I was just thinking; the ring is obviously what I will need to use for the portal, and after..." I don't finish though, because I don't want to think about what will happen next.


I would love feedback on this chapter! Please tell me what you though of it, and what you think will happen next!  


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