Chapter 1: A Journey Begins

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The Grey Company, along with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas arrive just in time with the Dead Men of Dunharrow to once again even out the battle; they do not yet know of Sauron's return it seems, or it affects them little. The army of the dead quickly slay any enemy that defies them, sending the orcs running in the opposite direction to get away.

The Haradrim, Easterlings, and the fleeing orcs all come to realize that they have been boxed in, with the water front blocked by the army of the dead, the men of Gondor across ways on the battlefield, and the city of Minas Tirith blocking the side.

Soon the enemy is completely overwhelmed by the opposing forces, and the men of Rohan and Gondor achieve victory.

Though the battle is won, everyone realizes this is not the end. The greatest army yet will come from Mordor, led by Sauron himself, to destory all of Middle Earth once and for all.


The end seems imminent, yet Gandalf stands in the throne room of Minas Tirith with a slight smile on his face, though he says nothing. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Eomer look to him for guidance, but the White Wizard's response confuses them.

"I know of someone who may help us, someone who was lost long ago. She wanders where she chooses, be that Middle Earth, Valinor, or any other realm she pleases. I hope that in the face of this imminent doom she sees our need. In all my years, I have only met her once, and that was long ago."

"How do we find her then, Gandalf?" Aragorn asks with one eyebrow furrowed. "If she has been lost, how can we hope to locate her in the small amount of time we have left?"

"You forget, I said I have met her before. We traveled through Middle Earth together for nearly two years, and became wonderful companions. I am graced enough that she considers me to be a friend."

Gandalf pulls a short cord from around his neck, a slim, turquoise gem hanging from it. "She gave me her necklace in case there ever comes a time when the world is in great need. If dropped in the sea that leads to Valinor, at dawn, she can be called upon. It is only then, when the bridge between the realms she protects are weak, that she will be able to answer."

"How have we never heard of her before?" Gimli asks. "She would have made an invaluable ally."

"And she will, Master dwarf. She remained in Middle Earth constantly only during the time of the High Elves. Soon after is when she left to attend to other matters." Gandalf explains patiently.

"Is she an elf then?" Gimli asks.

"Her name is Fayn, and she is Sauron's equal. She has no race which is of Middle Earth."

"Why then has she never intervened before? She could have saved thousands of lives! But instead she remains hidden from our world when it cries out for help," Eomer says harshly, his voice laced with the pain of his Uncle's death and the new weight on his shoulders as King.

"Do not be so selfish as to claim she cares little for this world!" Gandalf thunders. "She is guardian of many realms, and fights many evils in all of them."

Eomer bows his head in understanding.

Gandalf then turns his attention to the members of the Fellowship that stand before him. "I will need you, Aragorn, as well as Legolas, Gimli, Pippin and Merry to accompany me to complete this journey." Gandalf says. "We leave immediately, or as soon as I find those two Hobbits."

"Gandalf," Legolas interjects, "why is it you have chosen us to come with you? Because we are the last of the Fellowship of the Ring?"

Pain flashes through Gandalf's eyes at the thought of Frodo and Sam. He had given them too great a burden to bear, and feels that it is his fault they are now gone.

"Yes, that is precisely why. All of you must help me convince her to join us."

"Convince who to join us?" Pippin asks, walking into the room with Merry.

"Ah, perfect timing my friends. We are leaving immediately."

"Why are we leaving, Gandalf? Shouldn't we be preparing for battle?" Merry asks confusedly.

"That is what we are doing, Meriadoc. We are going to seek aid from one who will help us win this war, if only we can convince her."

"Why would we be able to convince her, out of everyone else?" Pippin asks innocently, brushing his curly hair out of his eyes to look up at Gandalf.

"Because, young Master Took, when she was last here, every race remained divided. This fellowship is proof that times are changing."

Gandalf then turns back to Eomer. "I need you to lead whatever forces you can muster to war against Sauron's army. You must hold them off until we arrive."

Eomer nods. "We will hold them off until your return." he says firmly.

"The rest of you, quickly! Come with me!"

***In the book The Return of the King, the Grey Company (30 Dunedain led by Halbarad) arrives with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas at the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

The Haradrim were long-time enemies of Gondor; they were the ones riding the six-tusked Mumakils (the Hobbits called them Oliphaunts)

The Easterlings are from Rhun, east of Mordor. They are enemies of Free Peoples. (Seen in Peter Jackson's rendition when Frodo and Sam first arrive at the Black Gates of Mordor with Gollum)

The more you know :) ***

To the side is Fayn, by the way

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