Chapter 10: The Ring Bearer

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Fayn's Point of View:

My eyes open themselves to a beautiful landscape; peaceful and serene. It is a large forest; one that I appear to be viewing from a perch high up in the mountains. As far as my enhanced sight is able to see, the forest stretches on, broken up occasionally by small openings of grassland and lakes of crystalline water. I stare out at it with a blissful smile upon my lips for a moment, allowing my eyes to drift in and out of focus, before realizing that where I am is very wrong.

This place I am in is a foreign land, one that does not belong under my protection. The beauty of it provides quite the distraction for me, and it requires much of my will power to keep my mind set on physically moving. After fighting war after war, it is sorely tempting to remain seated longer and watch the light change to darkness. I do not allow myself this luxury though, for it would be selfish and cruel to many others. I have many to help in Middle Earth still. The only issue remains that I have no idea how to do so from my current location.

"A-are you alone?" I hear a timid voice from behind me.

I turn slowly, afraid of frightening away whatever creature had just spoken to me. My cautious gaze meets nothing for a moment, but I tilt my head downward slightly to see a young hobbit standing before me.

A kind smile graces my lips as I look upon him; his bright blue eyes stare back at me with wonder and slight hesitancy, but I can tell even without knowing it is not I that truly frightens him.

"I'm afraid that I am, master hobbit." I respond gently, crouching down to rest my knees on the feather-soft grass. "Would you be so kind as to tell me where I am?"

The hobbit looks uncomfortable. "That's the thing; I am not sure either. I was sent on a.." The hobbit pauses for a moment, as if debating whether or not to share a piece of information with me. I watch him struggle with himself for a moment, careful to keep my face clean of any emotion that could give him the wrong impression. "I was on a journey, one that had almost reached its end. I remember much fire, but that is all. That is the only thing I remember before waking up here."

I furrow my brow, pushing the raven hair back from my eyes that had been blowing in the gentle wind.

The young hobbit still looks slightly afraid of me, though I suppose that is to be expected. A human like creature with sea green tinted skin and claws must be a sight after being alone for a time. My cunning eyes do not miss his uncomfortable reach for his throat. The hand stays there for a moment, as if something valuable used to rest there.

The idea suddenly clicks in my head. "You are Frodo Baggins, are you not?" I ask, not sure what I wish for his answer to be.

That was the one Gandalf had conjured in his mind when I asked what happened in Middle Earth, though there had been a second hobbit with him. Could this be the very same?

The hobbit before me nods hesitantly. "I am. How is it you know me? I do not believe we have crossed paths before."

"Oh no." I say softly, murmuring the words only to myself.

I look at my surroundings with a new fear, the peacefulness of everything no longer offering any comfort. The earth had killed me; my corporal form had not survived the attack on it.

I am dead.


(A/n) Well...crap.


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