Chapter 5: Listening In

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"I want to have the eagles fight on my side when I leave." I say, hoping the plan I have come up with on the spot will be an effective one.

"That is not up to us; they have a king of their own in the far east, as you know.  If I may ask, why do you plan to seek their aid in helping this other world?  Will they not see the eagles as a threat?" the King asks curiously.

I smile to myself. "I do not think so.  There are great eagles in Middle Earth, though not nearly as many."

"Middle Earth, my lady?"

"Ah yes.  I suppose I have never told you the names of the other worlds I protect before.  That is where I leave for as soon as possible." I explain.

"Is there any way I could assist you; do you wish for me to send a message to the eagles requesting their aid once again? I am sure they would be happy to help you, lady Fayn."

I hesitate for a moment, not wishing to take anyone away from the merriment of their celebration, but I then realize there is one more person I must speak with before I leave Alhena for Middle Earth.

"If you could have one of your people send word swiftly to them I would be forever grateful, as there is another matter I must attend to before I leave this world."

The King nods his head respectfully, and I return the gesture. "Consider it done." he replies.

I begin to walk back into the forest, allowing my eyes to adjust back to the darkness that comes to embrace me, but the King of the Menkar calls out once more before I have moved much distance. 

"Lady Fayn!" he speaks loudly, and I turn only my head back in his direction, pushing my long, inky black hair out of my eyes.


"Since more likely than not I will be dead before I you return to Alhena my dear friend, I wish you all the luck in the world on your endeavors. I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for my people. Your courage and persistance kept us fighting long after we believed the war to be lost, and ended up succeeding, so I thank you again."

A wide grin breaks across my face. "I would be nothing without all of you.  It is the peoples' courage that give me the will to fight.  Goodbye my friend."

I turn and continue walking back into the forest, saddened slightly at knowing there is little chance of me seeing these same people again, but also excited to be seeing Middle Earth again after such a long time.  First though, there is one more person to speak with; one more to ask for advice.

Pippin's Point of View:

We had stopped to rest for the night, finally after three full days of nonstop movement.  I was useless as the others set up camp around me, feeling completely exhausted to the point of not wanting to speak or even eat.  The only thing that kept me from going to sleep there and then was Gandalf had promised to recount some of his adventures with Fayn before we all rested.

As rations of food were handed out, Gandalf took a seat with his back propped up against a tree and began.

"I think it would be most interesting to tell you all of my first meeting with the lady Fayn." he says, a chuckle escaping from his mouth.

"Hello again, dear little Hobbit.  How are you faring? Tired, I suppose." Fayn's voice enters my mind once again, and I find myself delighted.  It is such a strange andd wonderful thing to be able to speak to someone in my mind.

"Tired for sure, but I am alright.  How are you, my lady?" I ask courteously. 

"I am tired as well, young Pippin, for I have just finished fighting in a war."

My eyebrows raise. "I hope the loss was not too great for your people."

"You have a large heart, I thank you for your consideration of them.  We lost many, and tragically I knew and had befriended most of them.  Their kind are so gentle, much like my old friend Tree Beard from your world."

"I am terribly sorry; war had taken friends from me as well.  I have met Tree Beard though; he saved Merry's and my life."

"Truly? I am suprised he would; I did not think he had seen a hobbit before, and most likely would have thought you orcs."

I laugh slightly, remembering that memory. "He did, actually, but eventually came to believe we were not orcs. Took him and the rest of the ents the whole day just to decide that!"

"The ents have gathered?" Fayn's voice is filled with shock. "That has not happened in so long; things truly are beginning to change in Middle Earth." her voice then changes back to a more conversational tone. "I have kept you long enough, Master Took. Enjoy Gandalf's story, for I am sure it will be interesting."

"Alright, er, it was nice talking to you again, lady Fayn." I say awkwardly, unsure of how to end a conversation with someone when it is taking place in my mind. 

"And to you as well, Pippin." 

It then feels as though a cord has been severed between the two of us, and I can no longer feel Fayn in my head.

Legolas's Point of View:

As I sit next to Gandalf, listening intently to his retelling of his first meeting with Fayn, I feel a strange presence in my mind.  It does not seem to have an evil intent, and soon speaks.

"Greetings, I hope I did not alarm you; that was not my intent.  I have forgotten the perceptive nature of the elves when dealing with spiritual connections.  I am Fayn."

"I am Legolas Thranduillion, Prince of the Mirkwood realm.  It is an honor to be speaking with you, lady Fayn."

"As it is to speak with you, Legolas of Mirkwood." 

"I was hoping to listen in on Gandalf's retelling of our first meeting to make sure he does not make anything up, that is, if you would not mind my silent presence in your mind." she requests of me.

"I would not mind at all; feel free to," I respond, but cannot help myself from asking a question. "Do you possess the same gifts as Lady Galadriel? I am merely curious because of your ability to speak directly to the minds of others."

"I do not possess the ability of forsight, though I have been gifted with many other talents by the Valar." she then laughs lightly, a sound of musical softness. "I can sense you have many more questions; all will be answered in time."

"Very well," I smile, "I will leave you to listening then."

As Fayn's presence becomes silent in my mine, I find myself only half listening to Gandalf. The rest of my thoughts remain on Fayn and our previous conversation.

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