Chapter 4: Goodbyes

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Fayn's Point of View:

I sigh audibly after ending my conversation with Mithrandir. It had been wonderful to speak to him again after so many years. It was not that I had been unable to now, but speaking to those from another world is not something I had the luxury or time of doing while fighting in Alhena.  I had missed Gandalf dearly, more than I had realized until this moment.

His own voice was carrying the weight that comes with age and knowledge. My old friend had lived through too much, seen too many terrible things that should have never come to be. Oh, to be rid of darkness forever.

While I had been conversing with those from Middle Earth, my body had moved me to the edge of the Menkar's encampment. I stay in the shadows for a few moments, watching them celebrate in pure joy, but eventually I am spotted. The green-blue coloring of my skin has always made it difficult to blend into surroundings, which is why I had also been given the gift of skin changing upon taking the role as protector of worlds.

The one who had noticed me was in fact the King, the one who I had come to speak originally before stopping to watch the merriment. He waves me over, gesturing for me to sit next to him at the edge of the field everyone else stands in.

The King turns to me, giving me his undivided attention. "I must thank you again, dear Fayn, for helping my people and me. I will be forever grateful for what you have done."

"There is no need, my friend. I do my best to keep your people safe. That is actually the reason I have sought out your company on this night."

"You are leaving us." the King presumes wisely.

I bow my head in sorrow. "I must. There are other worlds that I have neglected for far too long, and now evil threatens."

"I see." the King muses. "Is there anything that I or my people can do to assist you? After all that you have done for us, there must be something."

I think for a moment, not wishing to offend the King in saying I do not think these peoples' help would be wise. I choose my words very carefully.

"In the world I must travel to there are many different races, and none of them coexist in true peace, even now when darkness threatens to kill them all. I worry if your people were to try to assist them, they might see you as an enemy."

The wise King nods his head in understanding, reaching a gnarled, root-like hand out to my own scaled one, taking it gently. "Then we shall all see you off."

I smile, standing. "I must depart immediately, my friend, so if I could, I would like to say my goodbyes to you all now."

The King stands from his own seat, his head barely coming up to the height of my shoulder.  These people have always reminded me of tiny ents in their appearance, though they move with the grace and agility of the winds.

A ripple of silence runs through the gathered crowd of Menkar, all of them quiet with respect for their King and I. Every pair of bright, golden eyes is trained on me, and I meet their gazes sadly.

"I regret to tell you all," I begin loudly, "that I must leave. Your world is safe now, but there are others that are far from it.  They need me now, so I must leave all of you.  I hope to be back, but I fear it will not be within any of your lifetimes. I thank every one of you for the courage and honor you have shown me; I take strength in your bravery." I finish and smile at all of them.  

Many wear looks of sadness, some shock, but most have a knowing look; they knew the day would come when I must leave again. 

As I turn to leave, a single thought stops me.  I spin back around to face the King, and before I can even voice my thoughts the King speaks, "Have you thought of something we could do to help you?"

"Actually, yes." I respond.

I then begin to explain my idea to him, hoping he will agree to it.

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