Chapter 8: Plans

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The second part of the spell to free the real Ahi was a bit more difficult; I had to kill him.  Naturally, there would be no way this Ahi would agree with me, so I took matters into my own hands.  

I have known how to free Ahi for almost three hundred years, plenty of time to come and visit, but the truth remains that he terrifies me.  This dark side of Ahi is powerful and dangerous; it is a poison to everything. He is easily strong enough to fend against me, something that is worrisome should this plan not work.

This potion was a gift from a powerful witch in another realm for saving her coven, and it is my last hope in saving my brother from himself.

Ahi just lies there, dead, for a time that seems to stretch on impossibly long.  How much time was this supposed to take? I begin to pace back and forth in nervousness.  Had I done something wrong? No, that could not be it; I had done exactly what the witch told me to do.  It must take more time.

I groan to myself. I have so little of it to spare before I must depart for Middle Earth. If this potion does not work, I will have no choice but to leave him in the cell again and come back for him.

Luckily, Ahi chooses this time to begin waking up, letting out a loud groan and clutching at the back of his head.

"What happened? Fayn, where am I? Did we win the war?" he looks around in confusion at his surroundings.

"What war, Ahi?" I ask, confused. I hadn't even left to go fight in Middle Earth, why would he think it was already over?

"The one on Alhena, of course! Did we win it?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "Ahi, that was thousands of years ago.  Do you remember nothing?" I look at him worriedly.

"Very funny, Fae. Seriously though, did we win?" he looks at me with bright golden eyes, so very different from the cold and removed ones they had become for so long. It is strange hearing his nickname for me again after so long, but not an unpleasant sort of strange.

"I am being completely honest with you, Ahi. I am speaking the truth. You were possessed by the darkness that had poisoned and lived in the trees, and I think it took away your memories when I replaced the evil in you with light."

"How is that even.."Ahi trails off, the expression on his face showing that he has hundreds of questions to ask. "You have to tell me everything, Fayn."

"I wish I could. Truly, I do, but there is no time for it. Middle Earth is in grave danger and I must go now help them."

"Well then let me help you! We can finish this together. If what you say is true, then it can be just like old times." Ahi says eagerly, clasping his hands in front of himself.

"I would love nothing more than that, Ahi, but there is something else I need you to do for me."

"Anything, sister." he responds immediately.

"You know of the eagles of Alhena?"

Ahi nods. "I remember them well. Noble creatures, they are."

"They are." I agree. "The Menkar have sent word ahead for me requesting their aid.  I will need them fighting on our side in Middle Earth. I fear we will not win without their aid."

"Of course, my sister. I would gladly help you.  I shall be off now, unless there is another task you wish for me to perform?" he asks, already drifting slowly in the direction of the eagles' kingdom.

"No, that is all. A thousand thank you's, brother."

"Do not thank me, Fae. It appears you have just saved me from a fate worse than death."

"You are my brother, Ahi. Of course I did."

"All the same, it is no trouble." Ahi smiles, and waves to me over his shoulder. "Until we meet again, sister!"

"Until we meet again!" I call after him, turning and walking in the opposite direction.

There is no specific place I must go to so I may travel between the worlds, but I wish to spend as much time in the ancient woods as I can before I have to leave.  I meander around for some time, reveling in the serenity of the space after so much war.  At long last though, the sun begins to set, and I realize I must leave now if I am to keep my promise of arriving on time.

Ahi's Point of View:

I look over my shoulder, checking to make sure Fayn is nowhere in sight before allowing my face to slide up into a sly smile. She is a sentimental fool; did she really think some weak potion from a witch could match my power?

Now all that's left is to get rid of the messenger headed to the eagles before he arrives. It should not be too hard; I am much faster and stronger than any of the Menkar, even after being caged for so long by my wretched sister.

Perhaps after that is taken care of I will go pay a visit to my sister dearest.  We could make this fight over Middle Earth most interesting.

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